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That night, Director Six met with the Bosak sisters, Vigil, and Dokkaebi in one of the second floor conference rooms.

They had all just finished a full debriefing of their mission in Ceuta and submitted their final reports, which were now stacked neatly in front of the Director. She nudged the reports aside and leaned her elbows on the table.

"Excellent work. You all lived up to your reputations, which is why you wear that '6' patch now."

The operators voiced their thanks.

Six turned to Zofia. "How are you holding up?"

"Never better, Director."

"GROM boasted about your resilience. Good to see they weren't feeding me crap. I want you to take a few days off."

"Thank you, but that's not necessary."

"It's not optional. I admire your resolve, Zofia, but you're going to take some time to recover. Report to the medical bay for physical therapy, daily. If I hear you didn't show up, you'll have more problems than recovering from that hit."

Zofia Bosak struggled to hide her disappointment. "Yes, Director. I will."

"Good." Director Six turned to Ela. "Ela, let me make something perfectly clear: my operators follow the chain of command. If you are given an order, you will not disobey it."

Ela nodded.

"I appointed Pereira as the task force commander for a reason. If you disobey a unit commander, you're disobeying me." Six let the words sink in before continuing. "Ramírez and Álvarez went off-grid, broke protocol - you were part of a team sent to bring them in... and what happened? You broke protocol, just like they did."

"I made a call, Director." Ela shifted. "I apologized to Pereira."

Six nodded. "Your reputation precedes you, Ela. I know what you did in Iraq. I know how difficult your mission was. I've read the files on Orange Sky. You did top-notch work there. Quite frankly, you impressed more people than just myself."

"Thank you, Director."

"That's why you're here, Ela. I understand what an op like that requires. I know you had to make tough calls. Sacrifice. I know you had to make big gambles and take risks. Not many people in our line of work have that intuition in their skillset, and the track record to match."

"Thank you."

Six leered at the woman. "That said, hear me now: you're not in Iraq anymore, Bosak. You're here. You're part of a team. Don't disobey an order again, or I'll have you on a plane back to Poland before you can even pack your bags."

Ela brushed green hair from her eyes. "Understood."

At that moment, Director Six saw Domingo Chavez walking through the hallway outside. She beckoned him in from behind the glass wall, and the man entered.

Director Six nodded a greeting to him before turning to the others. "Now, I have a meeting. you're dismissed. Good work, all of you - that means you too, Ela. This op is a win."

The operators stood and gave thanks before exiting. Ding Chavez held the door open for them and entered the conference room, flashing a grin to Six. "We're getting old, Angela."

The woman chuckled. "Age is just a number."

"That's what I hear." The man sat across from the Director and looked around for a lengthy moment. "So strange to be back here in a suit. Still not used to it."

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