"EL LEÓN" - Chapter 3

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     Less than an hour later found Ryad sitting on an old chair at Elena's bedside, at Ghost Team's safehouse somewhere in Southern Ceuta. A lone ray of sunlight eased its way through the drawn curtains, revealing sweat glistening on the woman's skin. Ryad dabbed it away with a damp cloth.

     Thankfully, Nomad and his team were well equipped, and that included the medical department. The team's shot-caller, Karen Bowman, had the safehouse set up with enough supplies and logistics tech to remotely run a small war.

     Nomad had requested that Jackal allow himself to be blindfolded for the drive from Vivas's house on the Santa Catalina Peninsula, to which Ryad had accepted without debate.

     Sitting in the dark and watching Elena sleep made Ryad feel like he was dreaming. Perhaps he would wake up in his bunk any moment now back at Hereford. The incident at Hotel Ceuta had never happened, had it? He'd never seen his dead brother. He had never gone rogue with Mira, turning their backs on their unit.

     Yes. He would wake up any moment now. 'Twas all a bad dream.

     The names on the strange list found in Vivas's study flashed across his thoughts, like veins of lightning in the night sky. Why had Faisal's name been on it, along with the year he was killed? Who were all the others?

     The questions pulled him back into the murky waters of the present, and Ryad reluctantly embraced the realization that this was all, in fact, reality.

     The door creaked open quietly. Ryad turned to see Nomad, who beckoned him out into the hallway. The two men left the room. Nomad took off his cap and scratched at messy brown hair. "Thanks for being cooperative so far."

     Ryad nodded. "Thank you for the help."

    Nomad leaned against the wall. "What happened at that hotel the other day? Were you and your team the ones on-site with the GEO?"

     "I can't talk about it."

     "Why have you and the lady gone off-grid?"

     "I never said we did."

     "You didn't have to."

     Ryad folded his arms. "Look. I appreciate your help, and-"

     "Why were you both at that GEO Captain's house? What were you looking for?"

     "No disrespect, but that's my business."

     Nomad sighed, though he wasn't surprised by Ryad's unwillingness to talk. "We're on the same side."

     Ryad shrugged. "Then you know why I can't give you anything. I've already told you who I work for, and that's highly classified by itself... something I know you can appreciate."

     Nomad folded his arms and mirrored Ryad's aggressive stance. "Give me something, or we rip that IV out of your partner's arm and kick you both out into the streets."

     The threat made Jackal's heart burn with anger, but he controlled the heat and resigned to the fact that the man before him held all the cards.

     "We responded to a hostage crisis. Possible bomb threat at the hotel. You saw the news - it didn't go well."

     "That's an understatement," Nomad scoffed. "Half the damned hotel imploded on itself."

     "I know. I was there."

     Nomad leered forward. "Listen: my team has a job to do. You're lucky you're still breathing. We don't exist, officially or even unofficially, which means I can make whatever fucking call I want." The man paused and softened his tone. "Help me help you. Some of my guys aren't happy that you're still alive, understand?"

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