1.74 " You Can't Run Forever"

Start from the beginning

He smirked.

I yawned and closed my eyes "Wake me when we're there"

At the house. 

We walked into the house and looked around. It was pretty old and dusty. 

 Dean " Boy, three bedrooms, two baths, and one homicide. This place is gonna sell like hotcakes"

They started to look around. 

Dean " Hey, check this out."

He knocked on the wall. It's hollow.

 Dean " Huh. "

Sam " It's probably a dumbwaiter. All these old houses had them. "

Dean scoffed "Know-it-all. "

Sam asked irritated " What?"

 Dean asked back " What? "

Sam "You said... "

Dean "What? "

Sam shook his head "Never mind."

We walked into the bedroom. 

Dean "Well, no bloodstains, fresh coat of paint, it's a bunch of bubkes."

 Sam looked at the EMF "Needle's all over the place. "

Dean " Yeah-power lines. "

Sam "Great. "

We walked to the closet and Sam opened it. 

A doll head was on the floor. 

I shook my head "please, don't"

I looked away and saw Dean looking my way with a grin. 

Sam "Think it got left behind?"

Me "Wouldn't surprise me "

Dean " By who? Unless Bill Gibson likes to play with doll heads."

Suddenly we heard cars outside. 

I looked out of the window and saw A car and moving truck pulling over. 

I looked at Sam confused"I thought you said this place was still for sale."

 Sam "Apparently, it's not."

I sighed and we walked outside. 

A girl looked at us " Who are they?"

We walked to the family. 

Guy " Can I help you? "

Sam "Hi. Are you the new owner? "

He nodded "Yeah. You guys are...?"

 Dean " This is Mr. Stanwyk and Ms.Brell. I'm Mr. Babar. County code enforcement. "

We showed them our badges and then put them away. 

Guy "We had the building inspected last week. Is there a problem? "

Sam " Asbestos in the walls, a gas leak-yeah, I'd say we got a problem."

The woman asked " Asbestos? Meaning what? "

Sam " Meaning until this house is up to code, it's uninhabitable."

 The guy "Whoa whoa whoa. You're saying we can't stay here?"

 Dean " It's a health hazard. You don't want to-"

 Another guy "Hold up. We just drove four hundred miles. "

Dean " There's a motel just down the road. Till this gets cleaned up, I suggest you stay there."

Guy nodded " All right, and what if we don't? "

Me " Well, you get a fine or you go to jail. Pick your poison. "

The guy sighed "One night. One night, and I'll take care of everything, ASAP, I promise. "

Dean nodded "Yeah, you do that. "

the girl whined "Another motel? Awesome, Dad. I hope this one has hooker sheets, like the last one."

The woman called out  " Danny! "

Guy "Come on, Danny!"

At the Curry's Home. 

Sam "What did the room look like when you found it, Mrs. Curry? "

Mrs Curry "I already told the local boys, there was blood everywhere. "

Dean " And Mr. Gibson-where was he? "

Mrs Curry "Everywhere. "

I nodded. 

Sam "How long have you been cleaning Mr. Gibson's house? "

Mrs Curry "About five years."

Dean " So you knew him pretty well. "

Mrs Curry "Well, not really well. He was real private. Not the easiest man. Not that I blame him. "

Sam asked confused " What do you mean? "

Mrs Curry "His wife dies in childbirth. Daughter hangs herself in the attic twenty years later. I'd be bitter, too. I think I got some pictures."

She walked away and then came back "  Here. "

She handed us some pictures. 

Dean " Thanks. Can we keep these?"

 Mrs Curry "Suit yourself. "

Sam "Now, why'd the daughter kill herself? "

Mrs Curry shrugged "I don't know. That was before my time"

Dean " Did you ever notice anything odd in the house when you were cleaning it?"

 Mrs Curry "Like what? "

Dean "Like, you know, like lights going on and off, things not being where you left them."

 Mrs Curry "No. Well, maybe there was one thing."

 Sam " What's that? "

Mrs Curry "Well, sometimes, I thought I heard like a...rustling in the walls. "

Me "like an animal? maybe a rat?"

 She nodded "

 Dean " Must have been some big sons of guns out there, huh? "

She shrugged "Wouldn't know. Never saw any. "

Sam "Do you happen to know where Mrs. Gibson and her daughter were buried? "

Mrs Curry "They were both cremated. "

I nodded "okay, well, then our job here is finished. Thank you for your time, Mrs. Curry"

She nodded "i'm glad i could help"

 I smiled and the boys and i walked back to the Impala. 

Sam " All right. So it probably wasn't the mom or the daughter. Whose ghost was it?"

 Dean " I don't know. But I say we give that place a real once-over and see. "

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