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26 November 2015

The snow was falling pretty hard. I didn't have anywhere to go. No money, no food, no place to call home. Just a thin piece of clothing hardly keeping me warm. I shuttered.

I was scared.

I ran to the most crowded place I could think of and asked for help. I had no phone to call anyone or to be precise, no one to call for help.

The strangers passing by looked at me with confused and disgusted looks. When I asked for help, they just passed by, taking me as wind blowing through the air.

After many attempts, I gave up. I sat down on a bench below a tree and hugged my knees. I was hopeless. It'd be better of for me to die.

The sky became darker. More people passed by me and didn't even turn to look at me. A kind - hearted old lady gave me a bit of her loaf of bread but I kindly refused. She then gave me a necklace instead and told me to keep it as a blessing.

She then vanished into the crowd. As I looked at the pretty, moon - shaped necklace, a spark of hope appeared. I clenched the necklace pendant in my hand. I was covered in snow by now and shivering from the cold. It felt like I could pass out at any minute.

I used the last of my energy to lean back as I held the pendant in my hand and close my eyes.

This is it... I thought as I slowly lost my consciousness.

I fell asleep and I woke up clean and warm in a hospital. I looked around and saw no one. I looked to my arm and saw needles and tubes like a puppet on strings.

I just looked to the ceiling and just took the time to think.

What happened. Why am I here. Wasn't I just dying out there? Who put me here?

More and more questions filled my head and I didn't notice a middle - aged nurse walking in with a tray filled with medicating tools.

"You're awake. How are you feeling dear?"

"I-I feel quite drained actually."

"It's okay dear. It's quite normal to feel exhausted when you've gone through all that."

"O-oh. Okay."

"The young gentleman who brought you here was quite fine too."

"The what?" I asked.

"Oh my, he carried you even though he was sweating so much. He even paid all your medical bills before you left. There's a note from him beside your bed."

I looked to my right and saw a white envelope placed on the drawer beside the bed. I couldn't move so I spared the suffering and looked back at the nurse.

"Thank you by the way." I said gently.

"Ohoho, it's rare to find young kids like you thanking a person like me nowadays. How old are you by the way?"

"I'm 16. I think."

"You look quite young for your age."

"Thank you."

She then inserted some injections and did some check ups on me and left.

25 December 2015

A couple weeks passed and I was getting ready to get discharged. I told one of the nurses my situation and she set up a donation to help me. I ended up getting about $5000 from the donations the hospital staff gave me. They said it was a Christmas present from them.

I was so thankful to have met them and they all gave me their contacts. The day before I got discharged, I made a list of job listings and places to look at.

Jumyeon, the middle aged nurse, gave me some basic supplies to help me out on my first day like a basic phone, clothes, bathing essentials and so on. She also gave me a photo of me and her that we took a week ago.

"Keep this safe okay y/n dear." She said as she gave the photo to me and placed it in my hand.

"I promise."

"If you ever need help, you can always call us or come here to the hospital."

"Okay. I better get going, there's a lot on my to do list today."

"Okay, go get going."


I looked for the last time to my room that felt like paradise. I was going to miss that place a lot. I walked to the lift and pressed the buttons.

There was another guy inside the lift. He was holding a flower bouquet in his hand but he was looking down with a lifeless look in his face.

I looked a bit but I decided to mind my own business and looked forward. He looked to me and dropped his bouquet. He then grabbed me and said,

"It's you, isn't it."


Thank you for reading!
Stay tuned for the next chapter!


Hi guys! I'm "back" and as in back I mean gone again for a month or two :,). I was planning on making a fanfic for so long and my friend encouraged me to write one so here it is! Chapter 1 might be a long time from now but please stay tuned for it. Thank you ❤

- Chimekun

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2019 ⏰

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