"Shut up Liam. Your whining...again,"

"Well then,"

"Don't give me that. You keep whining about everything,"


We walk up to a hill. "Ugh I-" I start but Stiles holds his hand up.

"DON'T even say it Liam," I slump down and start up the hill.

"So what do you think he is?" I ask.

Stiles shrugs. "Maybe a cat or something,"

"Doesn't sound very scary,"

"They have claws and fangs like you. Scary enough I think,"

I shrug. "I guess," We get to the top of the hill and look around. It's a creepy dreary version of the forests I've seen before.

"Woah...is it just me or does this look like one of those old zombie movies from when my mom was my age?" I ask Stiles.

"Not the only one," we walk forward.

"I should get a picture of this for Derek,"

I groan and roll my eyes. "Oh Derek is soooooo great. Everyone looooves Derek cause he's sooooo hot and sexy and I can't stop thinking about his sexy faaace oooooooo," I mock Stiles in a mocking voice. Stiles narrows his eyes at me.


"Yeah well at least I'm not dating a jerk like Derek,"

Stiles scoffs and turns toward me.

"Oh come on Liam. You're just as much a jerk as Derek and you know it,"

I was about to respond when I saw what looked like a bird approaching. But it wasn't even close and it still looked huge. And it was coming right at us.


"No Liam. Not this time. It can get really annoying hearing how horrible you think Derek is cause your wrong,"


"Derek's a nice, awesome, and absolutely hot guy that just happens to like me. Now is that so hard to understand?!"

"Stiles!" I try to pull him down but it's too late.

As I duck down a giant bird looking thing swooped down and snatched Stiles' waist with it's.....tail?

"Stiles!" He flies up into the air with the tailed beast fleeing away.

"Liam!" I faintly here Stiles call back to me as they fly over the hill. I'm running so fast I don't realize the misplaced tree branch in front of my foot.

I trip on it and tumble face first down the long-winded hill. Once I reach the bottom I spring up immediately regretting it when a major headache comes to me.

But I ignore the pain and rush towards the beast.

"Stiles!" I call out knowing he couldn't hear me.

I run up to a tree to see nothing but a giant wing covering the real monster underneath. And underneath Stiles might be there too.

I walked slowly closer to it suddenly realizing the rain was pouring down harder. I inched toward it as it's unmoving body is still perched on a tree branch. Once I'm close enough I speak. "Stiles?"

At that moment the wing revealed a black furred beast. A face like a bat, a body like a giant snake, and bird like wings.

"Shit," It screeched and dove for me with Stiles still dangling with the tail now wrapped around his throat.

Stiles looked like he was struggling to say something. It sounded like......come back for me. And if it was.....like hell I'd leave him here.

The beast dived toward me and I ran away from it as it closed in on me. I dove to the ground and it flew right over my head. I looked at it finally understanding it's plan.

It wasn't an attack. It was a get away.

I popped up and rushed to it. Stiles reached his hand out and before they got too high I jumped up and grabbed Stiles' hand.

He pulled me higher with him and one thing led to another, now I'm above the trees hanging onto Stiles' waist with a screeching new breed of supernatural.

"Stiles hold on!" He nods back looking terrified.

I pull out my claws and close my eyes praying we won't die from this.

I slash my claws into the beasts tail that was holding Stiles hostage and oddly enough, it released.

Leaving us to fall to our inevitable death.

Stiles and I pierce through the air screaming as we stare at the dark and dreadful sky watching the flying creature get away. There's one thought and one thought only going through my head at this point.

Protect Stiles.

I somehow was able to grab Stiles and hold him to my stomach as my back began to hit many trees and bounce between them shielding Stiles from the pain he doesn't deserve.

I squeeze my eyes shut as I come closer to the ground. Then all I hear is a giant smack and definitely crack and all I feel is a large amount of pain growing by the second.

I groan loudly and Stiles rolls off of me. He lifts the upper part of my body up as I hold my arms to my chest.

"You're bleeding everywhere,"

"Thanks Stiles but I noticed,"

We both look up into the air squinting from the rain at the large figure flying through the sky screeching just like Lydia would have.

Stiles speaks first as I realize what that thing was. Or really who.

"What the hell was that?"


WARNING: I think I spelled ying and yang wrong sowwy peeps.
Yeah drama.
sorry believe it or not it's a song so yea. called time of dying I may add it to this chappie. we shall see......bye my sleeping inhalers. :*

Stand by me (stiam fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें