To solve an equation....

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Hey my buutiful babies. watching T.V.....not that you care. cause ya know I barely care myself. Anywhat....BEYBLADERFIN GAVE ME THE ABSOLUTE BEST IDEA IN THE WHOLE WORLD CAUSE HE'S AMAZING SO FOLLOW HIM AND BE HIS FRIEND CAUSE HE'S THE NICEST ONE YOU'LL EVER GET!!!!! yes he's amaze balls. it's a progressive thing so bits and pieces in the chapters. words of wisdom for today: if you wanna friend.....go follow beybladerfin ;)

Liam's P.O.V.

Stiles and I burst through the clinic's doors to come face to face with the pack and Deaton.

I look at Scott. He holds up his phone. "I got your text," he says to Stiles.

I turn around to see Stiles looking straight at Scott unaffected. I hated what I did to him. He trusted me. And I lied to him. I

Scott walks over to Kira. I look at Deaton with a questioning look as I walk in the room. "Sorry. I couldn't exactly lie to a werewolf," I nod.

Malia walks up to me. "Well if it isn't the doctor and the patient," she smiles at me sarcastically. I look at her confused.

"Wait. Am I the patient?"

"She rolls her eyes. "Duh. Stiles is the smart one," she turns away and I roll my eyes.

Scott speaks up. "So.....this thing he does. What's it called?"

Then I speak up. "Hyptothia. That's what he does with his nails. It's like....passing on the poison he has. Like getting it out of your body before.....before....."

".......before the poison reaches your heart. But even when it does you can still pass it on," Deaton says.

"Wait. So then how long has he had it in his body?" Scott says.

"Well you can have it in your body for up to about 3-4 weeks. I'd say he's had it way past that," Deaton responds.

"Meaning......" I say.

"Meaning it's already reached his heart. And I believe that's why he acts so strangely. When it reaches your heart it changes what configures your actions. Your body won't be run by your brain or your's run by your emotions. But only the bad ones. Which makes it harder to break away. Because all that hatred you've felt over the years builds up into one feeling. And that feeling creates your person,"

Deaton's words weren't just deep. They meant more than that. I have the poison in my body. But I also have the I.E.D. in my system too. So when and if this thing inside me gets to my heart.....I might just be worse than Seven.

Scott and the rest of the pack look right at me. "So then.....Well then it's just better to give the poison back to him. He's already long gone," Kira says.

"What? No way?! He needs help," Scott shoots back.

"Wait we are talking about Seven right? I jump in but they ignore me.

Kira sighs. "Scott you and I both know that we can't help him anymore,"

Scott snaps his fingers. "But I think we can. He said to Liam that he needed to get rid of the beast inside him right?" Scott looks at me.

I nod. "Something like that I think,"

"Well I don't think he was talking about the poison. Because there had to be something that put the poison in him. But his eyes.....their red. But werewolves don't have the powers he has. So......I think he might be another creature. I think he's the creature that makes the poison. I think it's the creature we found at the cemetery,"

Stand by me (stiam fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt