Chapter 12: Bridesmaids.

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Luci's POV.

I'm really lucky.

I have three amazing best friends who have stuck with me through thick and thin, and I adore them all for this.

Bree, Bailey and Tierney.

Bree has been my best friend since we were tiny, we lost contact for a little while after she moved due to her fathers deployment, but we soon rekindled our friendship.

Bailey, Tierney and myself all met at dance class when we were about three, I was the only one who stuck with it, Bailey went onto Soccer and Tierney went onto gymnastics, and they both excelled in their new found loves.

I walk down the street, looking for my friends when Tierney's wild red hair catches my eye, she comes running up to me and gives me a huge hug.

''Motherhood suits you, girl!'' She exclaims, releasing me from her tight embrace.

''Thank you!'' I grin, ''Where are the others?''

''They're getting coffee.'' She says, laughing.

''Some things never change.'' I laugh too, Bree and Bailey have had a slight coffee obsession since their early teens, they'd both spend all of their allowance on trying different types of Starbucks fraps.

Once we catchup with Bree and Bailey, we make our way down to the first bridesmaids dress shop.

The array of different coloured dresses is insane, but we're looking for one colour in particular, nude pink.

I decided on a nude pink because I thought it would suit and flatter each one of my bridesmaids, I knew that my maid of honour, Nancy, would love this colour too.

Unfortunately, Nancy's baby boy George got sick in the early hours of the morning, so she couldn't make it, but I know what'll look good on her. Also Harry also looks dashing in a pink tie.

The first dress, I quote ''makes me look like a ginger cocktail sausage.'' Yes, Tierney's personality is just as fiery as her hair.

After trying on countless dresses, we finally found one that suited all three of them. It was floor length, nude pink with some gorgeous detailing, it flatters all three of them perfectly, and I know that it'll suit Nancy too.

Our next stop was a shoe shop, as all of the girls will be walking down the aisle with either Niall, Louis, Liam or Zayn, they needed some serious heels to make sure they don't look three inches tall.

I let them all pick their own shoes, because the dress will cover them anyway, so I'll let them have a little nougat of individuality.

After a perfect, successful days shopping I come home to my wonderful family, Harry is feeding the girls in their high chairs, the way he looks at them is just gorgeous.

''Hey bubby.'' I smile, dumping my bags down on the counter and walking over to him, he's positioned in front of our beautiful daughters.

''Hi.'' He smiles up at me, feeding Daisy whilst Darcy feeds herself. Darcy is ever so advanced for her age.

''Have they been good?'' I ask, knowing that the answer will be a yes, I seem to of given birth to two perfect angels.

He nods, ''they've been great, Dais keeps scratching at where they put her hearing implants though.'' He looks up with concern.

''She has a check up tomorrow, I'm sure it's nothing.'' I smile, running my hand through his chocolate curls.

''I hope you're right baby.'' He smiles back.


''Are they asleep?'' Harry asks as I climb into our bed beside him.

I nod, ''they went straight down.''

''I took them in the pool earlier, it must've worn them out.'' He yawns softly.

''Looks like you wore yourself out too Mister.'' I laugh, poking his dimple softly.

''Nah, I'm not that tired.'' He says, wrapping an arm around my scantly clad shoulders.

''Are you sure?'' I smirk, ''we don't have to have sex tonight, if you're not up for it.''

''I'm always up for it Luci. You know that.'' He says, leaning in and kissing me hard, the pressure almost overwhelming but oh so good.

''I'm glad.'' I say, shifting so I'm on my back, pulling his large frame on top of me.

He positions his hands above my head, kissing me hard and fast, but lovingly at the same time.

''Mm, me too.'' He grins, biting my lip cheekily like only he can, making me moan softly in response.

''Someone's horny!'' He pokes fun at me, I pout and nod.

''It's your fault.'' I protest, ''you left me hanging this morning!''

He laughs, ''I guess I'll have to make

this extra special then..''

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