Chapter 11 - Again.

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Authors note: I'm sorry I haven't been updating, I've been really overwhelmed with school and stuff! I'm really sorry! I'll try to update more often I pinky promise. I've also been working on two other stories that I'm really rather proud of, they are 'I'm Handling It.' Which is a Nouis fan fiction and another story called 'Love is a Six Letter Word." I love the storylines of both of these books but they don't get much attention, if you could check them out and comment an opinion? I would really appreciate it!

Harry's POV.

"Another tour?" I sigh down the phone, shaking my head softly.

"Can Luci and the girls come? Please? I don't want to go if not." I state, I can't be away again, I just can't.

"Okay, thank you." I say as I hang up the phone, they said they will look into it. I'm not going without them, it isn't fair.

Not on Luci, not on Daisy or Darcy and damn, not on myself.

I leave my office, walking into myself and Lucies room.

"Lulabella Mozzarella?" I say, wrapping my arms around her little waist and resting my head on her shoulder.

"I love you." I whisper in her ear, kissing the side of her neck. "so much."

''I love you too Hazzy Wazzy.'' She whispers back, turning around in my arms, looking up at me with those ocean blue orbs.

''What you doing in here Luce?'' I ask, she smiles.

''I was looking at wedding dresses on my laptop.'' She says softly as a rosy blush appears on her cheeks.

''Oooh I see.'' I grin.

''Yeah, wedding dresses.'' She bites her lip whilst looking up at me.

''Do you want to, um, set a date?' I know we decided on August but we never decided an actual date.''

'August 28th?'' She says, I nod.

''I like that.'' I grin, kissing her forehead softly.

''I'll ring the venue and we can start properly planning things!'' She grins excitedly. I smile back at her.

''I can't wait until you're Mrs Styles, there's nothing that I've ever wanted more, you and me, forever baby. I'll never hurt you again, not if my life depends on it, I will never hurt you. I'm here for the long run Luce, I only want you, and you forever, the beautiful, sexy, amazing mother of my perfect daughters, and maybe a son later. If you're sad, I'm sad, when you're smiling, I'm smiling, when you're scared, I'm here to protect you, forever, and ever. Forever and always.'' I tell her, I can't hurt her again, I won't let myself hurt her, she doesn't deserve that, she deserves more than me, I know that and I'm not putting our family on the line again, I won't do that.

''I know Harry, I love you so much, I trust you.''


I grin happily, watching my two gorgeous babies splash around together in the tub. I can't believe they're almost one, already eleven months old.

They seem to have their own language, babbling at each other constantly, it's actually so funny to watch, they still only like to sleep in a crib together, meaning Luci and I had to purchase a larger crib, especially made for twins but it was worth it, watching them sleep holding hands or cuddled up together is the most adorable and perfect sight you could ever behold, when Luci had her 3D scan, they were cuddling, and they still cuddle in the exact same position outside of the womb. It's amazing, like unbelievably amazing to watch two beautiful things you created, purely from love, love each other as much as Luci and I love them.

I can't wait to extend our lovely little family, add a little boy to the mix maybe. I can't wait for dance recitals and horse riding lessons and gymnastics, I cannot contain my excitement of watching my two beautiful girls succeed and learn and grow, into two individuals. I will support them in anything and everything they do, forever, because I will always be their daddy. Their only daddy.

''Darcy, be nice to your sister.'' I laugh, watching Darcy splash her hands at Daisy, it breaks my heart how Daisy isn't as advanced as her older sister, they're two minutes and forty three seconds apart, they shouldn't be so different, Daisy is a lot smaller than Darcy, she can only say 'Da' and 'Muma'' where as Darcy can say a lot more, including 'bottle' and 'wet' indicating that her nappy needs changing. Daisy can't stand unsupported whereas Darcy can walk, only a couple of steps but she can walk. You can tell the difference, Daisy is in her own little bubble 90% of the time, and it scares me, I don't want anyone to see her as anything less than perfect and amazing and oh so gorgeous; she may take longer to bloom, but she'll be a gorgeous flower, just like her big sister.

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