Chapter 4 & 5 - what the?!

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I rolled over in bed as I felt Harry's side dip.

"Harry?'' I whispered and reached for my hairbrush just in case it wasn't him.

''Yes baby it's me.'' He mumbled and pulled my body hard into him.

"What are you doing back? It's 3am." I questioned and tightened my arms tight around him and inhaled his lovely, Harry like, smell.

"I lied, it was a two week tour not a three week. I've always wanted to surprise you like this." He murmured and kissed my head over and over.

"I've missed you." I whispered and kissed up his chest, up his neck, over his cheek and onto his pink, slightly chapped lips.

"My lips are sore." He whispered and moved over and wiped a little Vaseline onto his lips and kisses me again.

"That's better." I moaned quietly against his lips. I've missed his kisses.

''Mm.'' He smiled and kissed my head before tucking my body away into his.

"If the girls wake up, you get up.'' I yawned and tucked my hand into the waistband of his boxers.

"I want to see them anyway." He agreed and hooked his ankle around both of mine and brought them closer to his and entangled them.

"Good, sing to them, promise you'll sing to them soon.'' I murmured into his neck.

"Of course." I felt him smile, his lips pressed against my forehead.

"God I've missed you."

"I've missed you too."


"Morning baby." Harry smiled, I peeled my eyes open to the sight of him, bare chested with both of the girls sleeping on his chest.

"Morning." I smiled as I kissed Harry's pink lips.

"They remember me." He beamed while looking down at the girls.

"I wouldn't let them forget." I smiled and stroked the girls at the back of Daisy's hair.

"They're so cute." He breathed and I smiled and snapped a quick picture of the three of them.

"They are indeed." I laughed and he grinned.

''What should we do today?'' He yawned, still obviously tired from traveling.

''You're tired, movie day?'' I asked and he nodded.

"As long as we can watch Monsters Inc." Harry smirked and I nodded.

"I'll put it on.'' I laughed and he screwed his face up all cute at me.


"Then pull the sticky bits and stick then on the front of the nappy.'' I instructed and Harry followed my instructions perfectly.

"All clean now Daisy Anne." He cooed and popped the buttons of her onesie up and she gurgled in response.

"She's never made a noise like that before." I told him and he beamed.

''Such a clever little baby."

Chapter 5 - babies first bath. (Sorry accidentally deleted this chapter)

Harry's POV.

"I don't want to drop her." I bit my lip and clutched Darcy to my chest.

''You won't babe, just put her in.'' Luci smiled and I shook my head.

"I can't!" I murmured, Luci had already put Daisy into the tub, on the bath support opposite the one Darcy should be in.

"Just gently put her down, make sure this bump goes in between her legs and her head is here and she'll be nice and comfy just like Dais.'' Luci smiled encouragingly as she swished water gently over Daisy's belly.

I nodded and bit my lip, gently lowering Darcy down onto the white, plastic bath support.

"See! You did it." Luci beamed and I grinned and copied her swishy water motions.

"Easier than I thought." I smiled and Luci grabbed the camera and snapped a photo of the girls in the bath.

"I love that you take photos.." I smiled and she nodded.

"My mum and dad never took many so there's only two or three of me as a baby." She spoke a little quieter.

"Why not? My mum constantly had the camera out." I laughed and watched as Luci carefully washed Daisy's hair.

"I don't know really, I think they only wanted boys." She laughed slightly but I know that it's killing her inside.

"Why do you think that gorgeous?" I asked and rubbed her hand gently.

"Er well my dad used to call me Luke, I was on the football team and the rugby squad, I had to sneak out to take dance lessons, I didn't own a dress until I moved out, my dad always called me sport or champ, my dad left it so long before he brought me a bra my auntie had to take me, I don't know I just get a feeling." She chewed her lip and didn't look up from the babies.

"Babe that's awful, is that why you don't talk to them?" I asked and she nodded.

"They didn't like how I left home at 15 and pursued my career as a dancer.'' She murmured, her entire family sound like dicks.

"My mum wants to come visit again, she wants to stay over because we've got the space now, is that okay?" I decided to change the subject, talking about her family was too heartbreaking.

"Yeah that's great! I love your mum!" She beamed and helped me wash Darcy's hair.

"I'm glad you two get on so amazingly.'' I took two towels and handed one to Luci and carefully scooped Darcy out of the tub.

"Nice little bath, huh?" I smiled at my tiny daughter wrapped in a towel in my arms as I walked to the nursery with Luci close behind with Daisy in her arms.

"Hold her while I get some clothes for them." Luci murmured as I sat down in the rocking chair and handed me Daisy.

I leaned up and gave Luci a soft kiss on the lips and she smiled happily and turned to the chest of drawers.

"Get them those joggers we brought and a long sleeved white t shirt!" I suggested and she nodded and pulled them out of the drawer with some cute pink socks.

We dressed the babies and put them in their cots for a little cat nap, I followed Luci into the guest room where she was starting to get it ready for my mum.

"Luc you don't have to do this now." I whispered in her ear and wrapped my arms tight around her waist from behind.

"I want to." She mumbled and finished making the bed.

"Baby, are you okay?" I turned her around gently and she shook her head.

"Why didn't they want me?" She burst into tears and looked down as if she was ashamed of herself.

''Because they're stupid." I whispered and pull her body into mine.

"I want you." I told her.

"I will always want you.''

A/N really short and crappy, writers block x

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