Chapter 6 - christened

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Luci' POV.

"Harry, I just got off the phone to the priest, he was just reminding us about the christening tomorrow." I murmured and sat in Harry's lap.

"How could we forget?" He laughed and I agreed.


"Come here to your god daddy!" Niall exclaimed as he took Daisy from my arms.

It's not like we'd picked favourites, all four of them are god parents.

"Aren't you a sweetie." He cooed as he propped her up on his hip and tickled her belly as she gurgled and smiled.

"Daisy only laughs with Niall." Louis pouted as he tried to make Daisy laugh but she had the expression of a brick.

"Because she loves me!" Niall exclaimed and bopped her around on his hip as she squealed with delight.

"She does indeed." Harry cooed and kissed her head.

"Darcy likes me." Zayn smiled as he approached with a sleeping Darcy in his arms.

"Aw." I cooed and readjusted Daisy's little pink bow in her hair.

I watched Zayn as he carefully sat down with Darcy in his arms, god they're all so amazing with them.

"How old are they Har?" Lou asked Harry and Harry smiled.

"Two months." He stated proudly and wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my cheek.

"Me loves you Lulu." Harry giggled in my ear like a child.

"Love you too Hazzybear.'' I smirked and felt him back up into a chair pull me onto his lap.

"I love it when you sit in my lap.'' He murmured against my neck and I curled up in his lap, resting against his chest.

"You're always so warm." I smiled and wrapped my arms around him before yawning loudly.

"Go to sleep if you're tired." He whispered and pulled his blazer over me.

"Sounds like a plan."

Harry's POV.

"Sounds like a plan." She grumbled before quickly falling asleep in my arms and under the warmth of my blazer.

She hasn't slept properly since probably before she was pregnant, I do feel really guilty but I don't think she minds too much.

I smiled and touched the gorgeous engagement ring that I brought her, with a navy diamond because it's her favourite colour. I cannot wait for her to become my wife.

"I'll go put the girls to bed, bring Daisy Ni." Louis smiled as he took Darcy off of Zayn and him and Niall went upstairs.

"Luci's so tiny." Zayn pondered looking confused and I laughed a little.

"She's always been small." I smirked and cuddled her closer.

"Does she have a lot of stretch marks?" He asked.

"We'll she used bio oil so you can't see them unless you look super close." I explained and he nodded, sure she has them but she carried our amazing daughters in her tummy for nine months, she's amazing.

"Aw bless," he smiled sweetly.

A/N extremely short, probably will add bits, sorry xx

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