Chapter 2 - drunken Harry

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I woke up to the sound of my phone going off. I answered it quickly and ran downstairs.

"Harry what are you doing calling at this time! You'll wake the babies!" I whispered shouting down the phone at him.

"I-I errrr loooovee youuuuu." He slurred down the phone, he's bloody drunk.

"I'm soorrrry I forgot about yoouuuuu." He hiccuped.

"You're dunk aren't you.'' I said, more of a statement than a question.

"N-no!!" He giggled, clearly alcohol was his priority here.

"Yes you are, so while I was waiting for you to call me, while I was caring for our children, you've been getting wasted?'' I raised my voice slightly, god he's making me mad.

"No Luc-" he started but I cut him off.

"Call me when you're not pissed." I shouted and hung up the phone before chucking it on the sofa and returning to my bedroom.

I climbed into bed, about to go back to sleep but one of my little princesses has other plans.

"Shhhh Daisy, shhh." I hushed as I gently lifted her out of the Moses basket and took her in my arms back to my bed.

''Hey, hey, little lady there's no need to cry, mummy's here." I whispered as I latched her on for a feed and turned the TV on quietly.

"Such a good little baby." I soothed, she looked up at me with her green eyes and curly thick lashes, I can't wait until they learn to smile.

I smiled as she drank my milk while watching my daily fix of the kardashians, shame that I get my fix at midnight when most girls get theirs at 7pm.

I can't believe that he completely forgot about me, about the babies. He was too busy getting drunk with his sucky bandmates and obviously other gorgeous celebrities; while I stay at home with a messy bun and sweatpants with baby puke on my shirt. No wonder he doesn't want to be here. I hate being alone, I just want him to come back!

I just miss him so much, I can't do this alone.

"Full up are we?" I cooed as I pulled my shirt back down and rubbed her tiny back gently and covered her chest with a muslin cloth so she didn't puke on herself.

''Oh good girl." I smiled as she puked without any fuss, I gently wiped her mouth and tossed the cloth into the laundry basket.

"Isn't my youngest baby pretty? Isn't she pretty!" I grinned and stroked her tiny little cherub face before walking slowly with her over to the Moses basket and tucked her in with her sleeping big sister.

"I'm sorry that daddy forgot about us, you've still got me though babas." I smiled as they quickly fell asleep.

"He'll be home soon anyway." I whispered, trying to comfort myself more then them.


"Yes babies, mummy's coming!" I soothed as I picked Darcy up after I finished changing her sister.

"Shall we go watch daddy on the telly? Yes we should." I smiled and took them both, wrapped up like parcels, downstairs and into the living room.

I sat comfortably and turned on the TV, him and the rest of the boys were going on This Morning and having an interview with Phillip Schofield.

"Here in the studio we have One Direction, welcome boys!'' Phillip spoke enthusiastically and they all gave a little wave.

"Firstly, I want to talk to you Harry, you probably know what about.'' He laughed slightly and Harry grinned.

"I have an idea." Harry smiled and Philip laughed.

"You've recently become a father, haven't you?" He asked, full well knowing the answer but still asking.

"Yep, twin girls." Harry smiled and nodded.

"What are their names?" He asked, sounding genuinely interested.

"Darcy Amelia and Daisy Anne."

"And they are how old?"He asked and Harry's face saddened.

"They are 5 days old today." He said a little quieter.

"Is it hard being away from them?" Phillip asked.

"Yeah it is really hard, they were three days old when I had to leave for tour and it absolutely broke my heart. I only really had one full day with them! It's this amazing bond and I just feel like someone's pulling and trying to break this bond, it's really, really hard." Harry smiled sadly.

"I understand how hard it must be, what about being away from, Luci, your fiancé?" He asked and Harry's expression saddened more.

"I feel really guilty for leaving her, she's new to this whole parenting thing too and she's got to do it completely alone. I miss her so much too, it's horrid not waking up next to her, we never spend time apart so this whole experience is alien.'' He stated and Philip nodded.

"We have a picture." Philip looked up at the screen and a photo of Harry with both the girls popped up.

The whole audience and Philip erupted in aw's.

"They are beautiful Harry, how do you tell them apart?" Philip laughed and Harry smiled.

"Haha! Well, Darcy is the bigger one and Daisy has more hair." Harry smiled.

Philip smiled and started talking about the rest of the tour and the album, blah blah blah. I wonder if he'll call me today, prove that he hasn't forgotten about us already. I guess there is always a possibility but I'm not going to get my damn hopes up.

"We could really do with daddy right now, mummy needs a hug and you two need singing to sleepy don't you." I sighed heavily and let my head fall back onto the back of the couch.

I feel so alone, I'm finding this probably harder than I should, doing this whole thing alone; I thought it would be so much easier than it is. But it really, really isn't.

I wish he'd come back, that they'd only tour within a 1 hour radius or that management weren't such prudes and let me and the girls come with them, but they're One Direction and I'm just me, plain old Luci Jergens from a tiny estate in Cheshire, I'm nothing special and he's Harry Styles. I'm boring and he's beautiful.

I don't match him.

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