Chapter 1 - baby girls

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I watched over the crib as my beautiful babies slept, just watching them breath. I'm convinced that if I look away they'll forget how to do it. So I'm just sitting here, watching them sleep like I have been for the past 7 minutes.

I smiled to myself and gained the courage to take my eyes off of them, I turned the baby monitor on and out put it in the bottom of the Moses basket and took the other part of the monitor and walked out of my bedroom and into the living room.

The house is ridiculously quite and empty without Harry. I miss his messiness and his whinging, for gods sake I even miss his dirty boxers on the bathroom floor. I miss how he leave wet towels on the bed and how he writes me notes on the bathroom mirror after he has a shower, I miss how he uses my shampoo even though his is ten times better than mine and ten times more expensive. I miss the smell of beer lingering on my neck when he climbs into bed and spoons me after he's been up late writing songs, I miss the feeling of his hands tight on my hips and I miss the minty, vanilla taste of his lips. I miss his heavy footsteps and I miss his slow, raspy voice. I miss him entirely.

From: Harry<3

Hope the girls aren't being to difficult xxx

To: Harry<3

They're being fine, sleeping at the mo xxx

Within thirty seconds, my phone vibrated.

From: Harry<3

I miss you xxxx

I bit my lip and felt tears prickle in my eyes.

To: Harry<3

I miss you too xxxx

I didn't really realise how hard this was going to be, being away from him and being alone with the babies all day, everyday. And having no adult interaction was already taking its tole, I can't stop talking in a baby voice. You know that voice adults coo at babies? That's what I'm constantly talking like.

From: Harry<3

Will Facetime you at about 6, I'll use your iPad FaceTime not your phone, xxx

To: Harry<3

Yep okay, I love you xxx

From: Harry<3

I love you too xxx

I clambered off of the couch and ambled into the kitchen and made myself a cup of tea.

I walked quietly up the stairs and back into my bedroom, Darcy was awake and I scooped her up gently in my arms.

"Hey baby." I cooed and rocked her back and forth, she looked up at me with her big green eyes that both her and Daisy had inherited from their daddy.

They both have his hair colour too, they both look exactly like him which I'm incredibly happy about, I didn't really want them to look like me.

I laid Darcy down on my bed and unbuttoned her onesie to change her nappy. Daisy, unlike her sister, hates having her nappy changed and won't stop screaming the entire time but Darcy has seemed to inherit her Uncle Niall's carefree attitude.

"Such a good girl hey Darc?'' I cooed as I wiped her tiny bum.

"Yes we are, mummy loves you." I grinned and strapped up the new nappy.

''So clever aren't you baby." I whispered and redid her onesie and scooped her up into my arms.

"Nice and clean.'' I kissed her tiny forehead and checked my phone, 5:56pm. Harry will be ringing at any moment, I can't wait to talk to him, and hear his lovely voice.

I sat and stared at my iPad while cradling my tiny baby, just waiting for it to ring.

But it never did. He's already forgotten about me.

Our Little Ballerina's (Tiny Dancer Sequel)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz