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Rayna POV:

I woke up in a room of white. There were voices all around me. I couldn't quite place them, but they sounded familiar. My head hurt like crazy, along with the rest of me. I couldn't remember anything. I tried to move, but that made the situation worse. Pain erupted from my side and I moaned.

"She's awake" someone said.

A face bobbed within my vision. It was a very cute boy who looked like he had been crying. He got closer and kissed me. Wow! Do I know him?

"Baby, are you okay?" he asked.

After a long pause of wondering what to say, I spoke, "Baby?"

"You don't remember me?" the boy asked, his voice sounding strained.

"Umm, no. I don't remember anything at all" I said.

The boy shook his head, thinking to himself. He sat back down and put his head between his hands.

"This tour is going awful. I haven't even done one show and now this is happening" he said.

"I'm so sorry, but what's happening. And...tour?" I asked.

The boy looked up for me to see fresh tears on his face.

"This might sound crazy to you but you were kidnapped by your crazy ex, Peter Gain. The police found you by tracking your GPS enabled phone. Takiya Williams was also a victim to that son of a bitch. We found you passed out on the floor and Takiya bleeding like crazy on the ground. We didn't find Peter though. The dickhead got lucky" Jacob said, muttering the last part.

It took a while to take in, but I had one more question.

"Tour?" I asked simpily.

"Yeah, I'm Jacob Latimore, a singer, and also your boyfriend. I'm on my Payday tour but I haven't even done one tour because of all this drama," Jacob said.

"Then let's get away from the drama" I said.

He stared at me for a while, then laughed, "Thats why I love you. But it's not that easy."

A woman came in dressed up as a nurse.

"Sir, it's time for you to leave. Visiting hours are over" the nurse said.

"Okay, thank you" Jacob said.

The nurse wouldn't have it. The bitch stood at the door and waited. Jacob got up, pecked me on the lips and walked out. Whoever he was, he was goddang sexy! I looked up and saw the nurse.

"Yes?" I asked.

"You've been through a lot girl. You can't remember a thing because you don't want to. But that boy, he loves you. I've never seen a man sacrifice so much for a woman like he has. Hold him dearly, cuz he might be the only thing keepig you alive" she said.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"I've seen things happen at this hospital. Things you wouldn't even imagine" she said, before walking out.

That was weird.

I attempted sleeping, but that didn't work, so I decided to go for a walk. The minute I was 3 feet away from my room, I was stopped by a nurse.

"Honey, what are you doing, you should be asleep" she asked,

"I'm sorry, but I was looking for a girl named Takiya Williams. I lost my memory from an incident and I feel like she holds the key to it returning" I said after a pause.

He Loves Me, Not (Jacob Latimore Love Story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt