It's Personal

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Author's Note:

Hey ya'll!! I would like to thank nikitaben and KJaszy14 for helping me write this chapter. Follow them!!  Remember ya'll to READ, VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW, and SHARE this story with your friends.

Rayna POV:

I looked at Jacob in surprise. What did I just do? I can’t believe that Diggy found out. Sasha is going to kill me.

“Who the fuck told Diggy?” Sasha said of nowhere.

"Me and Jacob were talking about it and then when we turned around, diggy was standing behind us." I said.

“Why?  I thought you were my ride or die chick?” Sasha said, tears rushing down her face.

“I still am, I'm so sorry that Diggy over-heard. I truly am really sorry." I said starting to cry.

“I can’t believe you. I’m done for now. Stay away from me.” Sasha said.

“Hey, the guests are waiting outside” Jacob said, coming into our conversation.

“Welp, I best to go. I ain’t invited anymore.” Sasha said, walking out.

I tried to walk after her, but Jacob grabbed my hand.

“The guests” he said.

I knew we had to open the doors, so I agreed. Jacob and I walked to the front and started letting people in.

“This party is gonna be the bomb” one guest said.

“OMG! Did you see how cute Diggy and Sasha are. They are such a cute couple." another guest say.

"Whew Let’s do this. We bout to turn upppp” another person said.

“Hey, where is Diggy?” one person said while passing by.

Jacob and I looked at each other. Oh shit! Where is Diggy?

Diggy POV:

I can’t believe my woman betrayed me. And with Issa too! I was so motherfucking pissed. I didn’t want to cry anymore because of her. I needed to get my mind off of things. I was in my room cleaning when Mindless Behavior walked into the room.

"Why aren't you at the party"? Ray Ray asked.

"I'm about to be there in a little bit." I  said lying to them.

Ray Ray and the Mindless Behavior left the room. I'm still in the room thinking about what my girl did to me. Rayna and Jacob run into my room looking breathless.

"What?" I said. I was still pissed that they knew what was happening but didn't tell me.

"Diggy, it's your party going on down there." Jacob said.

And?" I said.

"And you need to get down there." Rayna said.

“I don’t need to do shit!” I said.

“Come on bruh. You’ll never have a 19th birthday party again.” Jacob said.

“Just leave. I’d rather mope around in peace.” I said.

“Diggy, I’m so sorry. You shouldn’t have found out this way.” Rayna said.

“Damn right. I should have found out the minute after that shit happened. Not on my birthday.” I said.

“Diggs bruh. A ton of people are waiting for you out there. It is your one night to celebrate being 19. Do you really want to be sad and moping right now?” Jacob said.

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