Untold Secret Lies

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Sasha POV:

I started walking down the lane out of Jacob's driveway. I could still hear Jacob screaming at Issa. My phone started ringing and I looked at the caller ID. It was Diggy. I had already forgot about him. How on earth am I supposed to tell him about Issa. I ignored the call and continued walking.

Peter POV:

I woke up and grabbed Charmaine, but she wasn't next to me. Where the hell did that bitch go? I got up and searched the apartment for her but she was gone. I went outside and saw her car parked. Where the fuck is she?! I was getting angry. Suddenly, I saw her walking down the street with a stack of papers.

I walked up and yelled, "Where the fuck were you?! I woke up lonely!"

"Peter?!" she said, jumping. Seems like the bitch didn't even notice me all this time.

"Yes bitch" I said, "Now tell me where the fuck your ass was at all night"

"Ohh, I went for a walk" she said.

"What's with the papers" I asked.

"They're just papers. GOD!" she said.

"What's written on the papers?"

"Can't I get some damn privacy once in a while"

"Okay! Damn! Nevermind" I said.

I walked back into the house and went back to bed.

Sasha POV:

I woke up on the park bench. I must've fallen asleep. My phone started vibrating. I saw it was a call so I picked it up.

"Hello?" I said gruggily.

"Sasha?!" Rayna said.


"What the hell happened. Jacob called me and said you disappeared. Where the hell did you go? I was worried."

"Nowhere" I said, hesitantly. I hope Jacob didn't tell her what happened.

"Jacob told me what happened" she said, as if reading my thoughts.


"Oh" I replied.

"What the hell were you thinking! You're with Diggy!" she shouted.

"I know"

I did feel guilty.

"You have to tell him" she said, interrupting my thoughts.

"I know"

"When are you gonna tell him?"

"Probably around the next tme I see him" I said.

"You can't"

"Why not?"

"The next time you see him will be the start of the tour"


"That's his birthday"


"Mmmhmmm" Rayna said.

I saw Takiya walking down the street.

"I'll call you later" I said.


I hung up on Rayna and started after Takiya.

"Hey! Wait!" I said.

She saw me waving and stopped. The minute I got there the first words out of her mouth were, "Who the fuck are you?"

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