The Beginning

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Hey ya'll! I hope you liked the last chapter. Now it's time for the tour to begin! Guess whose gonna be going with them: Takiya, Kaliyah, and Charmaine! What a fabulous surprise. I bet you're wondering where Peter and Gloria are. And if Jacob ever convince Sasha's parents on going on the tour. We'll get to that soon. Now read to find out about how the tour started and make sure you remember that it's Diggy's birthday on the first day of the tour! Surprise surprise!

Peter POV:

"Okay now, remember the plan?" I said.

"Yeah, what do you think we are, stupid" Charmaine said, smacking her gum too loud.

"Sometimes I wonder about you though" Kaliyah said.

"Look bitch, if you want to start something, make sure you can finish it" Charmaine countered.

"Look, ya'll niggas need to listen. I need to get my Rayna back" I said, getting impatient.

"So you can rape and abuse her again" Takiya added in.

"No! I wasn't raping her" I said, "Being rough is my way of saying I love her"

I had to keep it cautious with these bitches. They were turning soft. As long as they think I have good intentions towards Rayna, then it would all be okay. Today was the start of the tour, and the start of my plan. The girls had to be at the airport in 3 hours.

Sasha POV:

"Wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I heard someone yell loudly in my ear.

I grabbed them, and pushed them away.

"Leave me alone nigga" I said.

"Come on!! Today is the start of the Payday tour!" Rayna screamed.

"That's nice" I said.

This girl was starting to get on my nerves.

"Come on!" she yelled again.

"Nigga, why the fuck would I wake up if I can't even go on the tour" I said, grumpily.

"Well...if you say so" she said, getting of the bed.

I heard her call Jacob. Damn! That nigga was annoying as fuck.

"Sasha get up" Jacob said.

"No" I said.

"Well then, I guess you don't want to go on the tour, even though I spent 3 hours persuading your parents last night" he said.

"What?!" I said, jumping out of bed.

Rayna laughed and said, "Yep"

"Well then, the fuck are ya'll waiting for. The sooner we get out of this nostalgic town, the better!" I said.

I jumped out the bed and started my morning routine.

When I was done, a thought sprung to my mind. I walked out to the veranda where Rayna and Jacob were cuddling and stood in front of them to get their attention.

"Jacob?" I said calmly.

"Yes?" he asked.

"Did you perhaps manage to include the part where at first my house was turned upside down by some nigga and then burned to the ground by Peter in your conversation with my parents" I said.

"Ummm, no. Sorry about that"

"Eh, it's okay" I said, starting to feel numb.

"Sasha, are you okay?" Rayna said, getting up and walking to me.

"Yep" I said calmly.

"You know..... your family could stay at my house for the time being" Jacob said.

"Really?" I squeaked out.

"Yeah" Jacob said.

"Thank ya lord Jesus!" I said, screaming into the air.

Both Jacob and Rayna went back to cuddling, and I went back to getting ready for the tour.

Princeton POV:

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" I yelled, banging the pots together.

"Boy!!!! If I get down there, you gon' wish you were those pots." Ray Ray yelled.

"Come on niggas! Today is the start of Jacob's Payday tour" I yelled.

"We coming damn" Roc said.

A few minutes later Roc and Ray came down.

"Let's go get Issa my niggas" I said.

"Leggo" Ray said.

We went to Issa's house and found him waiting with his bags.

"I need to tell ya'll something," he said the minute we walked through the door.

"What is it?" Roc asked.

"Uhhh...nevermind" he said, nervously.

The nigga looked like he had seen a ghost in real life.

"Come on man, tell us" I pressed.

"Umm......I miss Prodigy" Issa said.

"We all do my nigga, we all do" I said.

"Alright, let's go then" Issa said.

We packed his stuff in the car and went to the airport.

Diggy POV:

I got ready. Finally turning 19 baby. And I couldn't wait to share that moment with Sasha. I've never felt that way about a girl.  Man I love her. I loaded my suitcases into the car and drove off to meet the others and my baby at the airport. Today was the start of the Payday tour and my birthday. It was gonna be good!

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