"Don't call me by my full name... I hate formalities..."

"Then why didn't you choose something else as your nickname?"

"Any suggestions?"


"Sounds like I'm a bad piece of work."


"Who do you think I am? Conan O'Brien?"


"Nah, doesn't roll off the tongue."


"Just stop."

"Why did you go with 'Connie' of all things?"

"That's what my mother called me."

"Aw, that's sweet!"

"Yea, Yea. Just don't go telling everybody."


We arrived at the wall and told Connie to ready our axes. I readied mine but then I looked at him and saw that he was still catching his breath.

"Need a minute?"

"I'm fine. The sooner we're done the better." He replied before readying his axes and sticking them to the wall.

We climbed for two solid minutes until we reached the top. We climbed up to the pool and saw that there were only two guards there. Both wielding silenced assault rifles.

"QBZ-95s!" Connie exclaimed.


"The rifles they're wielding. That's what they're called."

"Now all we need to do is disarm them."

"How are we gonna do that?"

"Watch and learn."

One guy who was far away from us and near the pool entrance was on the comms talking while having his back pointed towards us while the other, while also having his back towards me was closer. I took the blast gun and used it to knock him out. Then I grabbed his rifle and used the sling it had on to wrap it on myself.
Then I snuck to the other one and waited till he finished his conversation before knocking him out. He was speaking in Chinese so I wasn't able to understand a word. I'm half Japanese after all.

Connie walked towards the guard and grabbing his rifle.

"Do we need these?" He asked.

"Not really just keep them in case you want to make someone raise their hands. No need to kill people today, Connie."

"Oh good. I'm just not ready to get blood on my hands and lives on my conscious."

"You nearly killed that thug in front of the school."

The last phrase took him by surprise. He looked at me with a surprised look that turned into a look of emotional pain.

"Okay, okay, you don't wanna talk about it. Fine. But one day you have to tell me. I'll keep it a secret."

"Ok." He replied with his voice down.

"Now let's get you a waiter outfit. There you'll ditch the gun."

We then walked to where Krista told us the kitchen entrance is.

"Okay Connie. You go inside and contact me as soon as you get the waiter outfit." I said as he ditched the rifle.

"Then what? You will have to cut the power and it'll take you a long time to get there from here. Where should I wait for you?"

"I don't know but I'll keep in touch."

EreMika: You Broke My Heart... And I'll Fix It MyselfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora