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A while back, my mom decided to cook our most special meal in our family: Escavished Fish.  But to my displeasure, what we had found in it was very unexpected.

Inside the fish was a small straw bent in all directions. And bits and pieces of a plastic bag.

As a result we prepared another meal and threw away this one.


Also, summer was just another vacation. Except when my family and I visited an Aquarium in country 'M'.

At first it was attractive to the eye to see the different animals swim about and be free.

But when we saw one chasing after a plastic bag and had eaten it afterwards, we left without looking back. That resulted in a thought from us all.

Aren't aquariums supposed to be clean?


And two days ago, My school  carried us, students, to a beach at the coast.

But what we saw was very shocking.

Dead stingrays and fishes floating a top of the water.

Old refrigerators hooked in the mangroves nearby.

Plastic bottles at the seashore and all different kinds of plastics floating a  top the water.

Because of this, we had to visit a cleaner beach so that we could have the fun we came to endure.


These were merely a part of the experiences I've encountered daily.

Plastics take approximately  100 years to decay. They can get blocked up in drains if not stored properly. This could lead to flooding after heavy rains and the destruction of lifestock and property.

It is important that we try to recycle most plastics. 

I try to do this often, as I recycle tyres to make flowers' pots, and I also recycle plastic bottles to make toys and pencil holders.

In our country  also, they have banded all usage of Styrofoam and plastic bags.Yes, We are only half way there.

As our next goal or law will be to band the usage of plastic bottles by 2020.

If I can do it ,If my country can do it, then so can everyone .

Shouldn't we all come together to make this world cleaner, safer and beautiful for the next generation.

The future is in our hands.

Let's make this planet clean and plastic free!

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