Final Part

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Helllooo fellow humans. It's me again. I hope that you enjoyed reading Four Hearts, this was an awesome project to work on and it's not over yet. I do plan for this story to be a part of a trilogy, so that cliffhanger is there for a reason. I won't be working on book two for the moment as I work on editing through this. I want to do this right and that means taking the time to go through the editing process and beta reading and hiring a professional to look at it. All of that is a while away though, but I am working on because I would love to see Four Hearts one day published. I'm not going to stop working on GKR, so if you want to read more by me while you wait for me to decide if I'm going to start making a few chapters of book two, then I would check it out. You can also let me know if you want me to update this book as I edit, or if I should leave the final product as a surprise.

I also wanted to say thank you to you guys for reading this and supporting Four Hearts and my other works as well. It means a ton to me, especially since I really didn't think many people would be that interested. I hope that the audience continues to grow of course, and I know that you all will be the reason why that happens if it does. I hope that I can keep getting your support in the future. Thank you again for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. Until next time ;) 

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