Chapter 22

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His sits in his uncle's office uncomfortably. All he can think about is the last time he was in here. He hasn't stepped foot inside this room since Cedric tried to jump out of the attic window. He's done his best to avoid his uncle as well. Uncle Alex places a cup of the warm, dark liquid that he usually gets during his time at the library. Zain has learned that the bitter substance he has come to enjoy is called coffee. He also learned that most people find it odd that he drinks it without adding milk and sugar first. His uncle takes his seat on the other side of his desk and grins.

"I'm so glad that you agreed to meet me today, My Boy," Uncle Alex says. "There is so much that we need to discuss."

"There is?" Zain replies.

"Of course. We haven't talked in weeks. I'm sure something has happened since then."

Only finding out that my mother used to be a student here along with Milena's and Cedric's father, Zain thinks to himself. "Not really. Just normal school stuff."

"How is your training going?"

"It's fine."

"Just fine?"

"Yes. Should it be more than that?"

Uncle Alex leans back in his chair, his smile slowly diminishing, "I suppose not. Tell me, how are your friends?"

"They're fine."

"What about that boy you were telling me about with that girl, I believe her name is Allegra? Is he doing better?"

"Yeah. He's been doing better."

"That's great. And the girl?"

"Which one?"

"I didn't know there was more than one. See, we really do have some catching up to do. Tell me about both of them."

"They're doing fine."

"Just fine."


"Seems like everyone is doing just fine. Nothing exciting happening in your life?"

"There was a party, then Hallows Eve, but that's about it."

"What party?"

"Milena, one of my friends, invited us to a birthday party. It was fun. I got to meet her parents and the prince too. The prince was pretty mean though. Him and Cedric didn't get along."

" don't mean Milena Bellerose, do you?"

"Yeah, that's her. Why?"

"She will bring you nothing but trouble that's why. That family is quick to betray the people closest to them when it suits them. You should stay far away from her."

"I can make that choice on my own." Zain's eyes go wide in realization after he speaks. That was the first time I've ever said something like that to him. What's gotten into me? I'm supposed to listen to Uncle Alex. He knows what's best. Or I thought he did. After everything that's happened so far, I'm not so sure.

Uncle Alex's smile disappears entirely, "Is that so? Tell me, who was it that raised you?"

"You did," Zain reluctantly answers.

"And who protected you from the dangers of this world?"

"You did."

"And who was the one who gave you all those gifts that you could entertain yourself with?"

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