Chapter 37

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The school hallways were empty, an unusual occurrence for a Saturday. Everyone was busy, locked in their rooms as they got ready for the Spring Solstice. Zain was trying to make a trip to the library and was disappointed to find that it had also been closed for the strange holiday. The holiday for lovers as the old librarian had described. He didn't understand why there had to be a school-wide dance for something like that. He stares down at the ground as he walks, his finished book in his hands. Maybe I can get to the track again, he thinks as he walks down the stairs of the school to the main hall, past the closed training room. Zain frowns, guess not. His eyes catch one lone man strolling down the hall with his hands held behind his back.

"Uncle Alex," Zain says.

"Zain, what are you doing running around here?"

'I needed a new book," Zain says, avoiding his uncle's cold stare.

"I'm surprised that you have time to read with how busy you've been training. You must train quite a bit. I saw your performance last week, it was very impressive."

"I've just been doing what my coaches say."

"They seem to be doing a good job."

"...Did you hear about what happened in the forest?" Zain asks.

"Oh, yes. Well, sometimes those things happen, but everyone is still okay now."

"...Is that all you have to say about that?"

"What do you mean."

"Nothing. I, uhh, have to go. I promised I'd help Cedric study. He has a test coming up."

Zain shuffles past Uncle Alex, not batting an eye that he had just lied to get away from him. He feels the cold gaze of the man he adored follow him to the stairs that lead to the dorms. He feels a weight being lifted off his shoulders once his uncle fads from view. What's going on? Why doesn't Uncle Alex care? Zain bites his lip as he opens up his room door, was he always like that?


Filly dresses. Fruity pastries. Bright ribbons. It all made her want to vomit. She is wearing the dress from New Years with her hair down. She waits for her friends in the corner of the room and tries not to think much about the hell Ravenwood called the Spring Solstice Ball. Students laugh and dance with each other, feeding their dates sugary treats, being joyful all around. Milena keeps her arms crossed and a scowl on her face.

Allegra is the first to stroll in with a lilac dress on. The skirt is made of frilly layers that don't go past her knees while her strapless top hugs all her curves. Her dark curls have been tamed and are cascading over her shoulder. Her white flats keep silent as she walks, but the golden bangles around her wrist continue to jingle. Her notepad is under her arm, and there's a mysterious grin on her lips and a dark gleam in her eyes.

"Not enjoying the festivities?" Allegra asks with a smirk.

"I hate this whole holiday. It's nothing but a scam."

"Really? A day dedicated to sappy romance and sweets? Sounds perfect for you."

"Today is nothing more than an excuse for nobles to decide their child's future."

"...You don't really think that, do you?" Allegra asks with nervous laughter.

"Of course I do. I have never hated anything more than this day."

"Oh, well, I'm sure that today isn't gonna be as bad as you think."

Allegra shuffles around with an awkward smile on her face. Milena raises her brow and bites her lip. What's with her today? Zain and Cedric show up side by side with full cups in hand. Zain beams at the sight of the lavish party while Cedric carefully scans the area.

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