Chapter 27

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He woke up to the sound of his sister screaming.

"It snowed!" Lily shouts. "Some came! You guys, there's snow!"

Milena grumbles on the floor next to, "Why must someone be so loud this early."

Cedric sits up and looks out the window, "The is sun out, and birds have stopped their racket. Zain and Allegra are gone. I'm pretty sure it's not early."

"It's too early for me to be up. I just got used to your snoring too. So much for letting me sleep later."

"I don't snore."

"Yeah, you do. It's the loudest snoring I've heard in my life."

"Yeah right. You didn't mention anything at your birthday party about it."

"One, I had other things to worry about. Two, I was being woken up early anyway. And three, we weren't that close at the time, and I didn't want to be rude."

"So now it isn't rude? How does that make sense?"

"Because we're closer now, so I can be blunter about these things, and it won't hurt our relationship."

"I am very hurt. I can't believe you would accuse me of such a thing without any proof. How will I ever look at you the same way."

Milena covers her mouth as she giggles.

Cedric smiles, "This is a very serious issue, Princess. I can't understand how you can be laughing as our relationship is being destroyed."

Milena continues to laugh without her hand to cover it up, "Cedric, come on. Stop joking around."

Cedric's smile grows, "I'm not joking. I'm completely serious. Your words really hurt my feelings. I don't know how you could possibly lie to my face like this and feel nothing, you monster."

"If you keep this up, I might start crying."

Cedric releases a few chuckles of his own, "You should be crying. This is a heartbreaking moment."

Milena shakes her head, "This isn't funny."

"Then why are you laughing?"

Milena playfully punches Cedric in the arm, "Cause you're a dork."

"If you say so, Princess."

Milena crosses her arms, "I am not a princess."

Cedric pokes her in the arm, "Which is exactly something a princess would say."

He smiles while Milena grumbles from her makeshift bed on the floor beside him. He picks himself and heads downstairs.


The cold air hits his face like a brick when he walks outside with Lily. The white snow is a blanket that covers the ground from head to toe. His first step into this untouched blanket fills the air with a satisfying crunch. Zain lifts up his foot and marvels at the perfect footprint that still kept the ground hidden. A smile grows on his face as he continues to stomp around on this new, soft, white substance. He hears Lily's giggles from behind him.

"Isn't it the best when it snows on the Winter Solstice?" Lily says.

Zain struggles to shrug while he shivers, "I wouldn't know. This is my first Winter Solstice...and my first time seeing snow. I'll have to take a picture of it later."

"Really?" Lily asks with an unhinged jaw.

Zain nods, "I didn't think it would be this cold. But I like it."

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