I Dreamt We Had A Kid

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Tony's dreams came as they always did. Nightmares was a more accurate description, to be fair, but names give things power, and these dreams were not ones you would want to have power over you.
The first was familiar, and Tony sank into it like it was molasses. He took his mark like an actor, knowing exactly how it would always play out. It had originally started as a replaying of the news segment on TV that had ruined his life: Howard and Maria Stark Killed In Fatal Accident. But now Tony knew the truth, and his dream had changed to match.
He stood on the side of the road as a small vehicle with two passengers approached, feet firmly planted in the soil beneath his soles.  The car kept driving, and Tony watched on as a figure stepped out of the forest and in front of the car. The car screeched to a stop, barely missing the man, and Tony just watched, helpless as former sergeant James Buchanan Barnes pulled Tony's parents from the small vehicle. Tony tried to scream but his voice caught in his throat. Nothing could change the fact that the winter soldier brutally killed his parents that night.
His second dream always began the same, in midair and ascending rapidly. Sirens and warning bells rang from his suit as he carried the missile away from New York City.
"Should I try Ms Potts, sir?" came JARVIS's voice.
"Might as well," replied Tony.
The wormhole was huge, and it just kept getting bigger and bigger as Tony flew towards it. Just as he reached the pulsing blue cloud the call failed, and it all faded to black.
Tony was sitting in his room. In front of him lay a cot. He stood carefully and approached, peering at the baby inside. The child was so small, and yet he peered calmly at Tony, not making a sound. A noise startled Tony and Pepper entered the room, smiling, before taking up the child in her arms. Tony was astounded by how much he looked like her. Like him.
"Are you going to stand there or help me?" laughed Pepper. "It's breakfast time!" she opened the door and left, disappearing round the corner and Tony followed, making his way to the kitchen. When he arrived, Pepper stood there at the stove, already cooking something. And yet there was no baby nearby.
"Where'd the kid go?" asked Tony, dazed.
"He's playing outside," replied Pepper, pointing with her spoon to the yard where a boy, possibly 15 years old, ran about with a basketball. He looked so familiar, with his light brown curls and eyes. Tony peered through the window as Pepper came and rested her head on his shoulder.
"Crazy how fast they grow up," she murmured, and Tony realized why the boy looked familiar. And almost as on cue, Peter Parker turned, dropped the basketball and waved.

You Can Do It, Kid - A Spider-Man FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now