Do you like... Churros?

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It was around 3:30 by the time they both reached the churro restaurant downtown, and Peter's hands were sweating as he opened the door for Asa. It was not a huge establishment, but it was cosy and warm, and the churros were great. As Asa walked past he noticed she smelled like flowers. Like jasmine. Sweet and fresh. He caught his reflection in the door and was embarrassed by his shadowed eyes.
"Churros?" She asked, amused, returning Peter's attention to the situation.
"An old lady bought me one a while back and I fell in love," Peter confessed, pushing his hair out of his eyes .
"With the lady or the churros?" Asa chuckled, as Peter turned beet red. "And how does an old lady randomly buy you a churro, mind explaining that?" 
"I helped her carry her grocery bags across the road," Peter mumbled, pulling out a chair for Asa. They both sat and picked out a menu each.
"That's so nice of her!" Peter nodded, and Asa pointed at the menu. "I can't believe there are so many types of churros you can order what the heck?"
"I know, right?" Peter fiddled with the menu. "Do you maybe want to... uh, share a churros-for-two plate?" He swallowed, grinning nervously.
"Sure! Sounds good." Asa smiled and folded the menu back up. As Peter went to order. He soon came back with the table number. Asa ran a hand through her long, dark hair as he sat down.
"So you used to play the trumpet?"
Peter nodded, a little taken aback by the question. "Yeah, I did. I was in marching band for ages, and I used to love it."
"Why'd you quit, then?" Asa's eyebrows knitted together in curiosity, her green eyes twinkling.
"I got busy," Peter replied. "I had a lot of homework, and on top of the Stark internship I -"
"Did you say Stark internship? As in you work with Tony Stark?" Asa's eyes went wide. "Isn't he like super full of himself and stuff though?"
"Not really," Peter replied. "He's nice once you get to know him. Not that I have, really," he corrected quickly. "I just work as like an assistant or whatever. Hey look that's our churros!"
The waitress placed the order on their table and left, the sweet smell from the churros filling Peter's nostrils. They both picked up one and took a bite, and Peter saw Asa's eyes widen at the taste. His heart leapt slightly when they caught the light.
"These are soooo good."
They continued to eat, and talked about the decathlon team and the robotics lab before Asa mentioned that she used to dance.

"Are you serious?" Peter asked. "That's so cool!" 

"Really?" Asa tilted her head, and her rosy lips curled up at the corners.

"Really! I've always been obsessed with the way dancers can just turn for so long and not get dizzy!" Asa laughed, the sound like a bell.

"I'll have to show you some time," she said, resting her head in her hand. 

"I'd love that," replied Peter, mimicking the movement. His face felt hot in his hand, but his butterflies had begun to settle.

"You intrigue me, Peter Parker," murmered Asa, the name gliding off her tongue as she leaned in, gazing into Peter's eyes.

Beep Beep! Beep Beep!

They were both startled by the piercing noise coming from the girl's watch. Asa glanced at her wrist and cursed, jumping up.

"Sorry, I've got to go. Damn, I didn't realise it had gotten this late!" Peter stood too, the chair groaning loudly against the floor.


"Now. My brothers are going to kill me. Thank you so much for tonight." Asa smiled briefly as she shouldered her bag, and moved towards the door, but Peter caught up. 

"I'll walk you home," he offered, holding out a hand. The girl looked at him wide eyed.

"What are you gonna do, help me cross the street?" she teased.

"No," Peter admitted. "But two is safer than one. Especially in the dark." With a shrug, Asa took his hand, and they stepped out into the briskly cold night. The streets were silent, aside from a lone car buzzing down the road, the people inside illuminated by the screens of their phones. Occasionally, they came across a small puddle, reflected silver in the lights of the street lamps, and jumped over them.

"So it's a common thing for you," Asa said after a silence. "This damsel in distress thing."

Peter let out a low chuckle. "You have no idea."


"Nothing." He grinned and led her around another puddle. Asa shot a puzzled look in his direction but sighed and pointed at the apartment block up ahead.

"Whatever. This is my stop anyway. Thank you for dropping me home." She smiled softly, her hands fidgeting with her bag strap.

"You're welcome," Peter replied.

"I guess I'll see you around." She stayed, not going inside as Peter just stood awkwardly, looking at her. Her hair moved gently, a breeze passing by.

"See you...So I'll just, I'll go then?"

She smiled. "Kiss me first, stupid."

And he did.

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