Keeping it cool, kinda...

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"Hi there."

The bespectacled lunch lady scowled and dumped something akin to what you'd find growing on the underside of a boat onto Peter's lunch tray. He flashed a quick smile and darted to the  table where Ned and M.J. were sitting, M.J. stooped over a large book and Ned flicking his food - if you could call it that - around his plate.

"This stuff smells disgusting,"  Ned remarked, making a retching sound as Peter sat. "Are you going to eat it?"

"God no," Peter replied, "I think it's alive."
"Flash is probably daring people to eat it."
"If you eat it you'd probably become some sort of mutant and join the avengers," M.J. piped in, somehow still listening while engrossed in her book about American politics. Peter laughed nervously and made a face at Ned who shrugged.
"Yeah... funny... imagine that."

Someone tapped in Peter's shoulder. "Is there anybody sitting here?" He looked up to see Asa pointing at the chair next to M.J., her wild curls hovering around her face.

"Uh, no no there's nobody sitting here is there anybody sitting here Ned?" he blurted, eyes wide. Ned shook his head vigorously in conformation.

"Cool, thanks guys." Asa took the seat beside M.J. and smiled at Ned and Peter across the table. Somehow her green eyes took on a blueish tint in this light, he noticed. M.J. looked up at the newcomer and glared.
"Sea slime delight on the menu today, aparrently," Asa said, taking a sip from her orange juice, not noticing the dark eyes on her. Or maybe she was just avoiding them.

"It does look pretty bad," Ned laughed. "The chips make up for it though."
"That they do," Asa replied, ripping open a salt packet.

"What did you do to your arm?" M.J. asked, and Asa's smile dropped.  She pulled her sleeve over it, but not before Peter's eyes caught the severe bruise that ran along her forearm.

"Some group of thugs tried to steal my handbag last night," she muttered, averting her gaze from Peter's.

"I'm sorry. That sucks," Peter said, picking at his food. He should have been there to help. Idiot.

M.J. shrugged and was suddenly engrossed in her book again as Asa glanced at her crossly. Ned smiled awkwardly and brought up the movie he'd seen for his birthday to change the subject.

"You guys like Star Wars?" Asa asked, leaning forward.

"Yeah, don't you?" Peter replied.

"I prefer Star Trek, actually, but Episode IV is the best. That part in the canteen is so cool!"

"Nah, the part with the banthas and the sand people is so much better," Peter countered, rolling his eyes with a grin.

Asa huffed and crossed her arms.

"Who's your favourite character?"

"Han Solo, obviously," Ned and Peter chorused.
Asa gasped. "No way! Obi Wan is so much cooler."
"She does have a point, you know," M.J. mused.
Asa and Peter both looked at M.J. , startled, before turning to each other and laughing.
"Oh, we put together a LEGO Death Star a while back," said Ned. "It was so cool!"
"I managed to get one of those a while back," replied Asa. "Death Star final duel pack."
"You're joking," Peter gasped. "That's awesome !"
As Asa opened her mouth to protest the lunch bell rang and they all stood.
"I guess I'll talk later then, yeah?" Peter offered as he walked with Asa to her locker, Ned chatting with M.J. about something to do with math homework.
"Sounds good," Asa smiled. "Do you have messenger at all?"
"Uh, yeah. I do. Hang on." He pulled up his phone and brought up Facebook. "What's your last name?"
"Let me." Asa reached for his phone and typed in her details. "Here"
The name was familiar.
"Cardozo? Like, the founder of Aquatech, Cardozo?" Peter asked.
Asa grinned. The one and only."
A teacher walked past and gave them both the hairy eyeball.
"Looks like we'd better get to class," Peter remarked.
"Looks like it. See you around, nerd." Asa smiled and winked, and Peter felt his heart thump in his chest.
"See you later."

You Can Do It, Kid - A Spider-Man FanfictionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum