Rules are for Losers

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Peter Parker sat on the roof of the building opposite JP Morgan, swinging his legs impatiently. His head was pounding from the noise and lights of the busy streets, and his spider sense only made it worse, but he needed a break from sitting in the mask.

"Hey Karen, can you call Tony for me?"

"Tony is currently busy, Peter," replied the A.I. 

Peter groaned and pulled out his phone, dialing Ned. It only took a few rings for him to pick up. "Hey dude, what's happening? Man in the chair time?" came his voice through the speakers. 

"Not right now," said Peter, scratching the back of his head, "but remember that bank robbery that I was talking about the other day? The one I'm on evac for? That's tonight."

"Oh cool!" Peter could feel the excitement from Ned buzzing through the phone. "Got any bad guys yet?"

"No sign. But I'm just worried about Asa. Apparently she's in the building now too."

The line went quiet.

"What if I get into the system? I'll make sure we know where she is so we can get her out quic-" A muffled voice came from the other end of the line. "YES MUM, COMING, sorry have to go Pete."

Peter shut off his phone and shoved it back into his backpack. Great. How long was it going to be before someone did something? Anything? He pulled on his mask and blinked a bit, his headache easing slightly. Long distance vision had seemed cool at first, but it was seriously migrane-inducing never being able to see six feet in front of yourself.

A bang echoed in the building and Peter was on his feet in a heartbeat.

"Karen. Get me onto Tony again." This time the call connected.

"Hey kid," came Tony's strained voice. Another bang and Tony grunted. "Little busy right now. Do you think you could help out?" A thud, this time. 

"Is Asa in there?" 

"I saw her here but she's on her way out with the crowd don't worry. You need to focus, kid."

"What do you need me to do?" Peter blurted, even though his heart was pounding. His mind was racing with Asa Asa Asa Asa. "Where is everyone?" 

"They're heading to your entrance. Make sure they get out okay." 

"I want to help you."

"Don't, kid. Just leave the fighting to the adults, and help the neighborhood. You're the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man after all." Peter nodded, even though Tony couldn't see, and the call shut off. He swung down to the doorway and pushed his way through, scanning the hallway for anyone running out. One of the doors rattled, and a panicked "HELP" pierced through the air.

Peter ran to the end of the hall, yanking the door lock. Someone had closed it from the outside. Using his full body strength, he wrenched the door loose and a crowd of people in formal wear burst through, running for their lives.

His eyes scanned the crowd. Asa Asa Asa Asa. A woman stumbled and he caught her, racing her outside before going back to the building, palms sweaty.


The last of the people filtered through and his breath caught. Where was she? 

He got Karen to call her number and shook his foot impatiently. 

"Hey hon, how's it going?" He sighed with relief at the sound of her voice.

"Hey Asa, I just ..." He faltered, grasping for a lie. "I just saw on the news about an evacuation at the bank, for Aquatech, and I know your dad was," he gasped for breath. "Your dad works there."

"No I'm fine. Spiderman was helping us all get out, so we're heading home. Where are you? It sounds loud."

"No it's just one of May's tupperwear parties. Anyway superbusy justwantedto checkonyou loveyou bye," he babbled, turning off the call before she could ask more questions and running outside. 

Most of the crowd had congregated at the front of the bank, clutching each other and crying out in horror. Peter went through the crowd, checking on the older and younger members until he was sure everyone was okay. He brought a child back to her mother and helped an old lady find her glasses. Tony still wasn't out. 

Eventually, Peter gave in and ran back inside. It wouldn't be an op if he didn't disobey at least one of Tony's orders.

You Can Do It, Kid - A Spider-Man FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora