A Spider-Nap

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Tony's POV:

The kid was shattered. He lay in the back seat of the car, motionless, not even stirring when they stopped and Tony opened the door.

He considered leaving Peter there so as not to disturb him, but on second thoughts he figured that waking up alone in the dark in a car would be more damaging for the kid's mental health than being woken up by Tony. With the help of Happy, he gently brought Peter out of the car, wincing at how light the boy was. Peter sighed, but didn't stir further. 

Happy opened the door for Tony and he carried the unconscious teen in, laying him on the couch before digging up a blanket to cover him with. He was about to leave when he heard a murmur.

He paused, and looked back at Peter, who's eyes were starting to open.

"Mr. Stark? W- what's"

"You're okay," Tony murmured back, keeping his voice low so he wouldn't give the kid another headache. "Just rest now."

He ruffled the kid's hair and motioned to leave again, but a hand wrapped around his leg.

"I don't want you to go..." Peter whispered.

Tony started to protest, but Peter brought out the puppy dog eyes and he caved in.

"Move over kid." Peter shuffled into more of a curled up position and Tony sat down on the other side of the couch, resting his head on the back.

He had only intended to sit there for a few minutes, but the moment his eyes closed Tony fell into a deep sleep.

You Can Do It, Kid - A Spider-Man FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now