Get the kid a juice please

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"They're robbing what?" Peter's jaw dropped in disbelief as Tony Stark ran through the briefing again. Good thing he was sitting at the glass table, or his knees might have given out.

"So we have three bad guys on the loose. Two men and one woman... you still with me kid? So we've had a pattern of ATM robberies preceding a number of bank robberies...Jesus. Happy get the kid some juice or something." Peter's eyelids were drooping as Happy came back with a Coke can in his hand, and Tony waited for him to take a sip before continuing.

"So they're gonna rob the biggest bank in New York. And we're gonna be there to catch them in the act." He took a sip of his coffee and pursed his lips.

"Who are they?" Peter's foot drummed the floor.

"We don't know yet. All we know is that there are two men and one woman."

"Hang on..." Peter's mind flicked back to last week. "There were a couple of guys at a robbery the other week. I punched one of them and," he glanced at his now healed knuckles, "my hand was bruised for a few days at least. They mentioned something about a sister?"

"That's the one. We've mostly confirmed they've been popping up for the last few months, and by my calculations, they should be targeting the JP Morgan on Tuesday."

"But I caught them at a house, not a bank," Peter interjected.

Tony stopped. "Either way, we know where they're going to hit next. There are millions of dollars in that bank, and I know for sure someone's going to be holding a function there. This is definitely a planned heist and I wouldn't doubt that there are definitely a lot of people in danger, so we need to intervene."
Peter frowned, putting down his juice box. "What do you want me to do?"
"Can't save the neighborhood with no neighborhood Spider-Man, kid."
"You...You want me to come with you?" Peter's eyes were round.
"Yeah, kid. You're part of the team."
The corners of Stark's mouth tugged up  as he patted Peter on the shoulder. "But you need to get some sleep. I can't have you on call acting like some sort of zombie, ok?"
"Ok mr. Stark. Yes mr. Stark. I'll make you proud!" He made for the door and paused, turning on his heel. "How are we going to capture them? Web shooters? I can swoop from above and tackle them," Peter offered.
Tony smiled apologetically. "Look, about that..."


Author's Note:

Hey guys, hope you're enjoying my story! I do plan to finish this soon and I would love to see some audience comments! Tell me what you liked, what you didn't... I'm really keen to hear your thoughts!

You Can Do It, Kid - A Spider-Man FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora