Chapter Eighty One

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There was a loud snap, and Furzestar fell limp. Shadepool dragged herself away from his body, feeling the effects of the fight now that it was over and the StarClan spirits had left her side. The watching cats were silent, frozen to the spot. Was it really Furzestar's last life?

But the ShadowClan leader did not get up. As the realisation sunk in, RiverClan warriors began to yowl and cheer.

"Shadestar! Shadestar!" They cheered. Shadepool looked at them all, their faces bright and happy despite the exhaustion that was evident.

Whitetooth, Furzestar's deputy, stepped forward to face Shadepool.

"Whitetooth." Shadepool dipped her head respectfully.

"Shadepool." Whitetooth imitated her gesture. "It seems that today marks a new era for RiverClan and ShadowClan. I hope that it can be a peaceful one."

"As do I," Shadepool replied. "StarClan go with you, Whitestar."

Whitetooth's whiskers twitched. "And with you, Shadestar."

Shadepool turned to her own Clan. "Noble warriors of RiverClan, you have fought bravely today. StarClan will honour your courage for seasons to come. I will choose my deputy when we get back to camp, and travel to the Moonpool tonight."

"ShadowClan, lets go," Whitetooth meowed simply.

"Hey, what about me?" Jones demanded angrily.

"What about you?" Whitetooth flicked his tail.

"I had a deal with Furzestar."

"Furzestar is dead. You're on ShadowClan territory, and you are no longer welcome here. Leave."

Jones growled, but stalked away and vanished over the border.

Shadepool gently picked up Silverstar's scruff. Brackenheart came to help her, silently arranging Silverstar's body so the two of them carried her between them. Jaggedpelt and Smoketail carried Driftberry a little way behind them, the healthiest warriors carrying the dead between them. Ripplestripe and Amberblaze took up the rear of the Clan, herding the apprentices in front of them.

Singingsoul was waiting for them in camp. When she saw Shadepool and Brackenheart at the head of the Clan bearing Silverstar's body, her eyes widened and she flattened her ears to her head.

Gently, Shadepool and Brackenheart set down Silverstar's body in the centre of the clearing. She was joined by her other fallen Clanmates soon.

Shadepool stepped up to the birch stump. There was no need to call the summons; the elders had all come out of their den, and Featherbreeze and Flowerfoot were already scurrying around to try and get herbs to the most injured warriors.

"Cats of RiverClan," Shadepool began. "Today we have both lost and won the battle. We have suffered the loss of some courageous warriors, including our very own Silverstar. I commend all of you who fought; you were like lions in the face of ShadowClan. Now Furzestar is dead, and Whitetooth will lead. With this change in leadership in both our Clans, I hope we can finally bring peace." She took a deep breath. The sun was going to set soon, and the warrior code demanded that she name her deputy before moonhigh.

Who would you have me choose, Silverstar? Shadepool thought. She had a sudden flashback to the day of Fawnreed's death, when Silverstar had asked her who would be a good deputy.

"Well, the deputy should be an experienced warrior. They should be a cat that you'd trust above any other. I couldn't tell you which warrior would be best, but you should choose them while remembering that they might be the next leader."

Who did Shadepool trust above any other cat? That was an easy enough question.

"I say these words before the bodies of our fallen Clanmates, that all their spirits may hear and approve of my choice," Shadepool meowed. "Smoketail will be the new deputy of RiverClan."

"It would be my honour to serve RiverClan at your side, Shadepool," Smoketail meowed, dipping his head.

"Smoketail! Smoketail!" RiverClan cheered.

"Tonight, we will sit vigil for our Clanmates," Shadepool announced. "I will travel to the Moonpool to receive my name and nine lives from StarClan."

She leaped down from the tree stump. Runningbreeze padded up to her, limping slightly on a hind leg, though it seemed she'd simply torn a claw. "Shadepool," she meowed.

"Hi, Runningbreeze," Shadepool replied.

"I don't know how much of the battle you saw, you seemed quite busy, but I just wanted to tell you that Gentlepaw and Streampaw fought like warriors today," Runningbreeze told her.

"Is that so?" Shadepool purred. "I've been thinking it's about time for them to have their assessments. Give me a while to speak to Featherbreeze, but they ought to receive their warrior names about now."

"Thank you, Shadepool." Runningbreeze dipped her head. Shadepool nuzzled her with an affectionate purr.

"Featherbreeze, are you busy?" Shadepool called, stepping up to the mouth of the medicine den.

"Not if Flowerfoot doesn't mind watching these for a while," Featherbreeze replied. "Why, do you need something?"

"Can I name warriors before going to Moonpool?" Shadepool asked. "Gentlepaw and Streampaw ought to have their full names by now, and it doesn't seem fair to make them wait."

Featherbreeze nodded. "I think it's best to play safe. You can hold their warrior ceremony tomorrow."

"Okay." Shadepool took a deep breath. "Will you come with me tonight?"

"Of course." Featherbreeze touched noses with the black she-cat. "You'll be an excellent leader."

"Did I make the right choice of deputy?" Shadepool asked apprehensively.

"I think so," Featherbreeze replied. "Smoketail is loyal and good with decision making."

"I chose him because I trust him," Shadepool meowed. "He's the one I'd leave in charge if I wasn't here."

"Good. You should go out and share tongues with the warriors out there, we'll leave once the moon starts to rise," Featherbreeze meowed. "I'll get some travelling herbs together."

"Thank you, Featherbreeze. You're the best." Shadepool licked the medicine cat's ear affectionately.

Outside, the cats of RiverClan were mingling with each other and sharing tongues with their fallen Clanmates for the last time. Shadepool caught up to the five younger apprentices, still crowded together.

"You're the leader now, aren't you, Shadepool?" Clearpaw meowed, blinking up at her.

"Yes," Shadepool replied gently, sitting beside the apprentices. "When I get back from the Moonpool, you'll have to start calling me Shadestar."

"That will be weird." Brightpaw rested her head on her paws. "I'm going to miss Silverstar."

"Me too," Shadepool murmured, curling her tail around the young she-cat. She licked the top of her head gently then went to share tongues with Silverstar for the last time.

Silverstar had been cleaned up and her body covered with mint and raspberry leaves. She looked as if she were simply asleep.

"I wish that was it," Shadepool whispered. "I'm going to the Moonpool tonight. Wait for me in StarClan. And please, watch over me. I hope I can be as noble and fair a leader as you were."

"Shadepool, are you ready?" Featherbreeze called from the medicine den.

"Yes." Shadepool stepped back and went to the medicine cat. "Let's go."

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