Chapter Seventy Five

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"Brightkit, Clearkit." Shadepool ducked into the nursery, seeing the two kits still asleep in their shared nest. At least they still share their nest, she thought sadly. "Wake up, little ones." She nudged them gently with her nose. "Silverstar says you're to be apprentices today."

Brightkit shook her pelt and stretched her legs. "Today?"

"Today?" Clearkit repeated, his blue eyes opening wide. "But - but I'm not ready! Why did no cat tell me?"

"Silverstar and I decided last night while you were probably asleep, and it was too late for anyone to tell you about it," Shadepool explained. "Brightkit, come here, your fur is sticking up." Shadepool began to groom the two young kits for their apprentice ceremony the way she had for her own.

I had three back then, she thought sorrowfully.

"Why did you get sad all of a sudden, Shadepool?" Brightkit asked.

Shadepool was startled for a moment. "Oh. I was just thinking about when my kits had their apprentice ceremony. I doubt you remember, you were so little, but Ripplestripe and Amberblaze actually had another sister, Mallowpaw. She was killed in a fight against ShadowClan. I was just remembering her."

Clearkit looked shocked. "Mallowpaw was killed? But I thought apprentices didn't really fight?"

"That's so sad," Brightkit whispered.

"It is," Shadepool murmured. "Apprentices shouldn't really have to take part in battles like that, no, but it was a bleak time for us. Silverstar herself lost a life in that battle."

"I don't really want to be an apprentice anymore," Brightkit mumbled.

"It's better than being a kit forever." Clearkit sniffed.

"I'm sorry, Brightkit, I shouldn't have scared you with those stories. You don't need to worry. No warrior with a shred of dignity would pick on a young apprentice."

"But I thought ShadowClan warriors don't have any dignity," Brightkit whispered.

"Brackenheart used to be a ShadowClan warrior, you know," Shadepool reminded her. "That's evidence that at least some are ok."

"Brackenheart did?" Brightkit repeated.

"I knew that." Clearkit nodded. "Larkfeather told me."

Shadepool finished grooming Brightkit's ginger fur and moved on to groom Clearkit.

"Do you know who our mentors are going to be?" The grey tabby tom asked.

"I do," Shadepool purred. "I helped choose them."

"Tell us, tell us!" Brightkit begged.

Shadepool shook her head. "No, I can't tell you. I hope you'll be able to get along, though."

"I think I just heard Silverstar calling the summons," Clearkit reported, ears pricked. The only thing giving away his excitement was the shine in his blue eyes.

"Brightkit? Clearkit?"

Emberfur appeared at the entrance of the nursery, looking older than he ever had and somewhat uncertain, but he had come for his kits nonetheless.

"Emberfur, you came!" Brightkit cannoned into her father, pushing her muzzle into his chest and purring loudly.

"It's time," the red tom told her softly. "Come with me."

Emberfur led his kits out to the camp clearing, where Silverstar was waiting with most of the Clan gathered around her. Shadepool slipped out behind them and went to sit beside the stump where Silverstar stood.

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