
9 1 0

Ash Fleming
When I was driving into the drive a black car spins around my and sped off down the road. I knew almost imediantly it was Crystal just by the perfect turn. When I pulled up outside the manor the others weren't far behind. "Please tell me that wasn't Crystal." Maddison says pleadingly but I just shake my head sadly.
"It was her." I sigh and walk inside. She'd said something at the hoapital which had startled me a little.
She'd thanked me for looking at her files. But why?
"Ash get up here. You may wanna see this." Liam calls from upstairs and I leap up them missing 2 at a time.
He's standing in front of Crystals door, staring at it. When I reach him I pale. "Crap. Crap, crap, crap. She's going to go after Damien herself." I curse and stomp my feet in frustration.
"Sorry to bother you but miss Crystal was crying the whole time she was in here." A maid says timidly and I spin to face her. She takes a cautious step back.
"Crying as in injured?" I growl and she shakes her head quickly.
"Crying while saying she's sorry. She mentioned your name a couple times when saying it." She says.
"Thanks. Now you can leave." I sigh and rub my forehead.
"GUYS!" Maddison yells and we all race into the lounge to see her staring at the TV.
It was a live video from a news chopper. Crystal was racing down the highway, weaving through cars skillfully. My heart races wildly. It stops suddely when I see an armoured truck ram into the side of Crystals car. She skidded over the road, the car rolling viciously until it came to a stop in the side if a building. "No. No, no, no." I mutter hopefully. People roll the car over and a guy rips open the car and pulls Crystals basically limp body from the car.
Maddison breaths in sharply. She stops the TV and grabs her phone. She takes a picture of it and we all watch. Her face goes white and her phone falls from her hands. Her legs give out beneath her and she falls to the ground. "Maddison?" Antonio asks cautiously.
"Damien has her. Damiens taken her. He's the one who pulled Crystal from the car. His men were the ones driving the armoured truck. Crystal is in the arms of the devil." She whispers and it feels as though my world stopped for a second before I spun and punched the wall with an angry growl.
"Wow Ash. Careful mate. We can't have you hurting yourself. We will save her. We won't stop until she's safe." Alex says and rests a hand on my shoulder.
"If you do this there's a 90% chance you'll die, a 9.9% chance you'll survive but with a large and/or extremely painful injury of some kind, then a .1% chance you'll survive with 0 or very mild injuries." Maddison says sadly, a tear running down her cheek. We have to save Crystal.
Even if it means I die in the process, I'll just bring Damien down with me. He's gonna regret escaping that prison.

Crystal King
I let out screams but it was no use. Nobody who could hear me would help. I'm stuck, chained to a chair in a white dress. But this isnt any white dress. It's a wedding dress.
A wedding dress that I'd hoped was destroyed.
A wedding dress that I wore on my wedding day, still stained with Jacobs blood. Tears streamef down my cheeks as I strained against my bonds but my efforts grew useless. "You know I'd expected more from you. Especially after your previous job." Damien sneered and I lifted my head to look at him.
"Don't you dare bring that up... or else." I hissed darkly.
"Or else what? What can you do while tied to a chair?" Damien laughed as he walked closer.
"I blew up a tank with a fly cam conected to my watch that I brought fresh from the store. I can do many things. For example spilling your file information or maybe what you did when you were 18. Oh I have a better idea. I'll just do both." I say with a wicked grin and Damien narrows his eyes.
"You wouldn't dare." He growled.
"I'd love to know. Nothing interesting went on around here until you were brought into the equation. Your an interesting person. Damien said he had nothing to hide from us so tell us. I'm sure it's nothing we don't already know." Elena says as she steps out of the shadows and Damien glares at her.
"What are you doing here?" He growls.
"Visiting the prisoner." She growls back and Damien steps back at her vicious glare.
"You may not me on my side but... Damn gurl. Your good. Not many can make that hell hound back down." I laugh and Damien looks as he was going to explode with fury.
"Why tha-" Elena was cut shout by a chisel in the back. Damien shoves her to the ground dead, blood pooling from her back and onto the floor.
"Your a real monster you know." I hiss as I look down at Elena. I felt a pang of pity for her. If I did get out thers was a chance I could get her into a highly secret operation for the deadliest men and woman. Most of which are presumed dead. She would have been great.
Before Damien can reply the door burst open and a tall, buff man stands in the doorway. "We have a situation. There's been a breach. Someone is in the building who isn't one of us. They could be looking for the girl." He says gruffly and Damien curses.
He makes sure my bonds are tight before rushing out, locking the door behind him. I look around desperately to see a pair of branch cutters. Shuffling my chair over to them I do my best to get a grip on them.
By holding one handle and pushing the other against the chair I make deep cuts in the wood before pushing me and the hair into the air. When it hits the ground it splinters. "Your getting worse Damien. You shoukd know to never ever leave me unguarded." I chuckle to myself before rushing around.
When I spot a nailgun under one of the tables I grab it to see there were nails still inside. However it was missing a battery. Scavengering around quickly I found a battery and put it in. I tested it out and it worked well. It would make a good make shift gun.
The sound of gunshots and bullets hitting metal and concrete echoes into the room from the floors below and I hurry over to the far wall where I hide in the shadows behind some crates. I have a clear veiw of the door but they won't be able to see me.
Now I just have to wait and waiting is the one thing I'm completely crap at.

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