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Doctors rushed Crystal away then Coaline left to talk to a nurse which left Ash alone, pacing the waiting room. Young female nurses, some patients and visitors would look at him seductively but he never noticed them. He paced back and forth over and over again.

"Ash Fleming." A doctor calls and Ash stops pacing suddenly.
"Yes?" He asks hopefully. It's been 5 hours and he needs to know if Crystal will be okay.
"Crystal wishes to see you. Coraline is already up there." The doctor says and leads an anxious Ash up to the top floor and into a large medical room.
He froze when he saw Crystal laying in front of him. Tubes were stuck to her body feeding in liquid medicine and what looks to be blood. She was scared and burnt all over with bandages holding her together. Her black hair was knotted and full of dirt and blood. Her green eyes looked dull and pained with not a hint of their usual vicious sparkle. Her face was red and raw in some places. She looked broken in every way imaginable. Coraline sat in the corner sleeping with her head leaning on the wall.
"Hey Fleming." Crystal croaked and he slowly walks over.
"How are you feeling?" Ash asks when he stops beside her.
"Like I was just hit by a bomb blast and buried alive." She said sarcasticly and Ash smiled.
"Great. At least we know your still Crystal." He joked softly and he saw the faintest glimmer of her vicious spark flash through her eyes.
"Why wouldn't I be idiot?" She hissed and Ash laughed. Crystal rolled her eyes but couldn't hold back a smile.
"I was hoping your fiestyness didn't get knocked out of you. Now I know it hasn't." Ash smiled cheekily.
Crystal closed her eyes and sighed. "Do you think the others are okay?" She asked quietly and Ash frowns.
"I don't know. I never thought about it really." He said truthfully.
"Oh. We can only hope then." Crystal sighed and Ash sat in the chair beside her. She turned her head and looked at him.
"You look exausted." She said and Ash shrugged.
"Probably because I paced the waiting room for almost 5 hours." He said before yawning.
"Rest. You need it." She said softly and Ash rests his arms on the edge of Crystals bed before leaning his head on them.
Crystal smiled slightly and gently ran her hand through his hair. The feeling calmed him and he slowly fell asleep with Crystal not far behind, hef hand resting against his cheek.

Maddison Hast
When the shipment got to Crystals store we'd been waiting for hours and I'd almost fallen asleep against Antonio. It was getting dark outside and I knew we had to move quick. Damien likes to work in the dark.
I hurry to the new cars and scan them over quickly. "Which car is it in?" Brett asks.
"This one." I say and walk over to a white ferrarri.
"How do you know?" Steve asked.
"I've known Maddison for years. I know her. Her first car was a ferrarri and was white. It looked just like this one but wasn't as high tech." I say as I open the car door and climb in.
After rumaging around for a while I finally feel the cool metal of a gun or something like it. When I pull it out I smile. It looked perfect. "Kyle hold this please. Don't touch the trigger or else Crystal will come after you." I say stricktly as I pass out the special gun.
"Where would the stashers hide a stash of highly poisonous metal?" I mumble to myself.
An idea pops into my head abd I climb out. Swiftly I slid under the car and strain my eyes to look around. I spot a plastic bag and I pull it out. Inside was the Polonium but also blood. A fair bit of it. "Guys. Get the hell out of here. Get into that van now." I yell as I wiggle out from under the car.
"What is it?" Antonio asks.
"If you want to live get your ass outside and in the van. Damien wass tracking this car. Look. This bag has blood all through it. My bet is Damien wants us to know that he has something bigger than Polonium planned for us." I hiss.
"We have to get to the others." Alex said quickly and we all race outside. We leap into the van and it speeds off.
We arrive at the hospital and we all run in. Everyone in there looked at us in shock. "Where is she?" I ask quickly.
"Top floor, surgical room." The receptionist says, clearly flustered.
We all race into the elevator and take it to the top floor here we tun to the surgical room and burst inside. We all stop abrutly at what we see. Ash was asleep with his head on his arms which rested on Crystals bed and Crystal was asleep with her hand resting on his cheek. Coraline was startled awake by our entrance and she was looking at the two in shock.
"What happened while I was asleep?" She asked in awe.
"Not a clue." I say in wonder with a shake of my head.
"Why don't we all make ourselves comfortable. It's late and we've been through a lot today." I add and sit myself in one of the couches. The others do the same. Antonio sits beside me and I turn my head away from him.
"You can't run away from me Maddison. I caught you once and I will do it again." He whispers from by my ear and his warm breath sent shivers down my spine.
"Really Antonio? Don't be so sure. After all I'm the one who drew you to me in the first place." I hiss back at him and he jumps slightly.
"Your moody now aren't you." Alex chuckles.
"Why wouldn't I be. My best friend almost died today. We're being hunted by the best of the best. Crystals mother has been murdered and that hurts ne as much as it does Crystal. My parents are both dead. They have been for a few years now. Crystals parents took me in and helped me. The same goes for Coraline here. We're basically sisters. Now you are all going to lay off or else I will cut out your tongues and stuff them where the sun don't shine. Got it?" I growl viciously before standing and going to sit with Coraline. The boys are pale and shaken at my outburst. In my jackets hidden pocket the Polonium feels cold and I sigh to myself.
This whole Damien thing is going to eventually kill us all unless we can stop that son of a bitch.

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