Living With The Billionaires

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Crystal King
When I walk down the steps of my private jet I put on my sunglasses and hold onto my bag tightly. "Take care Miss King." The pilot calls after me and I wave back to him.
When I walk into the airport terminal building cameras flash. I roll my eyes and ignore them. "Crystal." Maddison calls with a wave of her hand. She stood with the guys standing around her. She too had cameras flashing at her yet she also ignored them. Quickly I walk over and she hugs me causing me to wince.
"What hurts?" Ash asks softly as ge looks down at me.
"I'll tell you when we get to your place." I grumble as the shearing pain in my shoulder slowly dulled.
"Antonio Masters, would you cared to tell us what happened to you?" A reporter asks and Antonio glares at the cameras.
"That is private information." He snaps.
"Crystal are you and your lowlife friend staying with the 8 Riches? Do you have an intamital relationship with any of them?" The reporter asked as she turned her attention to me. I froze midstep and Maddison cringed and shook her head.
"She is not a lowlife. She's higher up than you are. Plus we live with the 8 Riches. The richest guys in the world. We stay with them full time when all you girls out there can only dream to be with them or you only get the chance to be with them for a night or two." I say with a small chuckle.
"And no. There are no intamital relationships between any of us." I say before lookibg at Maddison with an eyebrow raised.
"Really? Not one?" The reporter sounds shocked.
"Well I don't know about Maddison here but I don't plan to have any in the future either." I say.
"I'm directing this to you mostly Mr. Fleming." I add with a smirk back at Ash before walking away with my hips swaying slightly.
"Boys. Hurry up will ya or else I'm gonna lock you all out and keep Kyles Jeep." I call back sweetly.
"Hey. I like my Jeep." Kyle whines as he hurries to catch up with me while the others trailing behind.
"You can't lock us out. I have the key." Brett says and I pull a pair of keys from my pocket and jangle them over my shoulder.
"These keys?" I ask and Brett snatches them from my with a grumble as we walk outside. A dog barks and it runs around the corner. It was a large black German Shepard with a silver and gold collar.
"Go, go, go. That's Dantes dog." Maddison yells and we sprint to the parked cars. I pull a dog whistle from my bag and blow. The dog whimpers as he stops and ducks his head in pain and irritation. When everyone was in a car I leap into the back of Kyles Jeep and we speed off quickly.
My phone rings and I look at the caller ID to see it's Maddison amd I answer. "Are you okay Crys?" She asks worriedly.
"As good as I can get with a bullet in my shoulder. When I jumped into the Jeep I landed on it." I grumble as I hold my shoulder. It was moist and sticky undet my fingers and I know it's started bleeding again.
"YOU HAVE A WHAT?!" She yells and I hold the phone away from my ear.
"A bullet. I will tell you all what happened when we get back to the boys manor." I say as calmly as I could as I grit my teeth through the pain.
"Ash wants to know if you ment what you said about us staying with them." Maddison says in a calmer tone.
"I ment it. Better listen to something he says to make him happy." I reply.
"It was Alex's idea. Not mine." Ash calls from somewhere.
"Well that doesn't change the fact that we're living with you guys. You're gonna need all the help you can get. After all. Dante fights dirty abd last time I checked I'm the Queen of that game and your all the lowly rats that live in the swamp. In other words you'll all need a lot of work." I say as I lean back on the cold metal of the back of the Jeep.

When we get back to the 8 Riches' place I jump from the Jeep and Maddison runs over. "Really Crystal? Really? You haven't gotten shot in years. What was different about this time?" She asks.
"Just get me to a bathroom. I think I'm gonna be sick." I rasp as the need to throw up rises.
"Wheres the nearest bathroom?" Maddison snaps to the nearest guy who happened to be Dylan.
"Just down the hall, 5th door to the right." He says quickly and Maddison leans me inside. When we get into the bathroom she closes and locks the door. I kneel beside the toilet and vomit. Being the great friend she is Maddison held back my hair.
"Thanks." I say before vomiting again. The acidic taste burned my throat and mouth.
"No problem. Are you done?" She asks softly. I wait a bit before nodding weakly. Maddison hands me a damp cloth and I wipe my face as she flushes my blood speckled vomit away.
"What happened?" She asked. I take of my jacket and top to reveil my arm. She gasps and her eyes widen. It was a bullet hole which oozed blood and puss with a black crusty edge and centimetre long purple veins trailing away from it.
"They had a guard down there. He used one of my guns. He held it right up by my arm and shot me before I snapped his neck. It was one of my lead bullets." I whisper and Maddison quickly hurries around and pulls out a first aid kit.
"I guess I'll just have to fix you up then. It wouldn't look good if you walked back into the hospital with a bullet in your arm." She chuckles softly.
I sit in my bkack jeans and bra on the tiled floor while Maddison pulled out a pair if tweazers. She gently took my arm and I yelped in pain as she pulled out the bullet. "Is everything okay?" Steve calls from outside the door.
"Go away. Don't try to come in either and tell the others that too. If you do we have a bag full of loaded guns and lethal weapons." Maddison snaps and he scurries away down the hall.
"Come on over to the bath Crystal." She says in a kind of motherly tone and I shuffle over to it. I have my injured shoulder and arm over the bath while Maddison ran water over it and scrubbed it clean.
"This will hurt but it will stop the infection and poison." Maddison pulls out a vial of thick silver syrup like liquid and unplugs it. She tips it into the bullet wound and I let out a loud whimper and yelp of pain as tears fall. It hurt and burned like fire before it dulled to a warn throb.
"This hurts Mads. Hurry up will you." I hiss softly.
"I just have to clean it up again, dry it then wrap it up." She replies and I nod.
Maddisons hands are gentle and steady as she washes and dabs my skin dry. She applies many butterfly stitches and a thick dressing before she wraps it up firmly with a bandage. "Thanks." I give her a hug and she smiles softly.
"No problem. Lets get a top on you before you walk out there so they don't drool." She whispers and I laugh before crawling over to my black bag.
I unzip it and pull out a sleeveless, dark grey crop top. I slip it on and adjust it before putting my bloodied clothes into the bag. There was a small pool of blood on the floor and I wipe it up with a cloth before throwing it down the laundry chute. Maddison helps me up and I readjust my top before walking out. We walk into the large lounge and the guys all leap to their feet.
"Sit down." I sigh and they listen. I flop down onto the couch beside Ash and his eyes lock on my arm.
"I haven't dodged bullets in a few years so this is what I got." I say.
"Must have hurt. We heard you yelping." Alex said.
"It did. I had a lead bullet pulled out of my arm by a pair of tweazers. You'd be yelping too." I snap.
"Lead?" Kyle's eyes widen and I glare at him so he looks down.
"Yes lead. To make it worse it was my gun and bullet. Now. Who want's pizza?"

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