God Of Hell

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Crystal King
I have to leave.
I have to leave.
I have to leave.
This was all that went through my head as I sprinted down the street. For once in my life I'm glad for my training. I'm able to run further and faster than I would if I never trained. If theres one good thing that came out of it, it's getting away from people.
The fence around the 8 Riches manor appeared and I sped up. It a swift leap I grabbed onto the top and swung over it, landing on the ground lightly before sprinting towards the building. My car was parked at the back waiting and I smiled greatfully. They'll be back soon and I need to leave before I see Ash. If I do see him it's likely I'll chamge my mind.
He's done something to me.
Whenever I think about him my heart pounds. Whenever I see him it stops and whenever I hear his name or voice I get butterflies.
He's found a crack in the ice surrounding my heart and is melting it slowly.
I may have told the Doctor that I'd try let somone in and tell them everything to help me and I wish I could. However it isn't so simple. I'm almost 100% sure that if I let somone in I'll get them killed.
It can't happen to Ash so I must leave. He needs to be safe amd the only way that can happen is if I make a runner and bring Damien with me.
Maybe once Damien is gone for good I could come back. Then maybe. Just maybe I could have something with Ash.
Then again thats almost an impossible task in itself. Damien has gone through hell and back. He's survived the impossible. He's basically a god. Last time I checked gods can be killed by gods and I don't know any so I'll have to think of something later.
Now I really need to get out of here.
I burst into my room and throw clothes into my large black weapons bag. Just as I'm about to leave my room I stop and hurry back to the desk in the corner of the room.
Quickly I pull out a piece of white paper, a black pen, some tape and a pair of sissors.
As if it were by nature I drew and cut out the paper before sticking the peices together. On the left over paper I wrote 'I'm sorry Ash.' As I walk from my room I tape it below the thing I made. A white paper rose.
The whole time tears poured down my cheeks. I ran downstairs and past astounded guards and maids. Quickly I leaped into my car and drove off. As I flew down the drive Ash's car was entering. I skidded around him and drove as fast as I could. Tears continued to fall. On the way I passed the others yet I made no move to stop or slow down. I just sped up even more.
"What is wrong?" My car asks amd I let out a slight choking sound.
"I've fallen for Ash but I can't be with him. I'll end up getting him killed. So I'm leaving and getting Damien and his men to follow." I sob.
Skillfully I swearve around cars as I race down the street and onto the highway. Picking up speed I roar past everyone. A news chopper glided overhead and the memory of me sitting in the passenger seat of Ash's race car flashed through my mind. I lost control for a second but quickly regained myself. "Let me take over." My car suggests and I shake my head.
"No. I'm driving. Driving always helps me. Always." I whisper but somehow those words have never sounded so false and untrue.
I fly off the highway and onto the city streets, the news chopper still following closely. "WATCH OUT!" My car screeches but I don't react fast enough as an armoured truck crashes into me, making me skid over the road. The other cars on the road quickly stop ad my car flips and rolls before coming to a stop when I hit the side of a building.
My whole body ached and pounded. My cars system crashed and I try to get out but the doors are jammed. I begin to panic. Before anyone gets to me I hide away my bag into a hidden spot that Maddison put into the car. Only she and I know it's there. Suddenly my car is rolled back onto it's wheels and my head smacks hard into the window making me see stars.
My vision blurred as everything slowly slipped away. Someone manages to get me out. "I'll take her to the hospital." A man yells as I'm put in a car. The voice is distant yet it sounds familiar. For some reason I feel as though I should worry and panic but my body is to weak and I fall unconcious.

When I come to I'm tied to a chair by metal rope and a gag is in my mouth. My heart races wildly as I look around hoping to know where I am. The room I'm in is dark but I can make out dusty tables, building materials and tools. The only light in the room is the one above me, giving off a harsh, yellowish light that makes my head throb. My body us bruisef and bloodied from multiple cuts and scrapes. My burn felt like it was on fire and I winced whenever i moved my leg even slightly. "I see your finally awake. Would you like a drink?" The mans voice from after the crash asks and my whole body froze.
Now I recognize the voice.
Now I know why my body wanted to worry and panic.
The voice belongs to Damien.
He slowly steps into the light and I glare at him, trying to lunge at him but I couldn't move. thats when I realized someone was holding down my chair and I turned my head to see a woman.
She had long fiery red hair and amber like brown eyes. An ugly scar ran down her face.
"You haven't answered my question. Would you like a drink?" Damien asks with a cruel smirk.
My throat was dry and sore. Yes I wanted one but not from him. With a harsh glare I shake my head and Damien chuckled. "As stuborn as ever I see."
"May I introduce an old friend of mine. Elena Matthews. Ex army." Damien said and the woman holding my chair produced a knife and held it to my throat.
My heart beat faster.
I was beat.
He has won.
I've been captured by the god of hell.

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