The 8 Riches

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Crystal got transfered to a high security room in the middle of the hospital the day after the incident. Maddison and Coraline visited her every day about 5 time. She would watch the news hoping to hear that they'd found Damien but it never happened. After a week of being in the hospital Crystal is getting worried. There's been no sighting of Damien. Not one.
Crystal lay in her bed watching the news boredly with Maddison and Coraline. A female news reporter in her late twentys was standing at the end of a short driveway up to a magnificent white manor. "I am Jessica Holmeswood and I am currently standing outside the property owned by the world renowned 8 Riches." She says and the three girls shot upright. Crystal quickly turned up the volume and they listened intently.
"We are here today because it had been requested by many viewers of the video clip showing Ash Fleming, one of the 8 Riches in hus race car speeding through the busy streets. If you continue to watch you can see he pulls up outside the hospital doors and carries the world famous Crystal King inside." The reporter says and the girls jaws drop. In the corner of the screen shows the video. It pauses and zooms in on Ash rushing Crystal into the Hospital.
"It has come to our attention that all 8 Riches have been talking about Miss Crystal. Hopefully one of the men will make an apperance." Jessica says with a grin as she turns to face the manor. Right as she did so the front door opens and eight men walk out.
"Oh my. It seems we may get to talk to all eight of them." The reporter says excitedly as she adjusts her hair. Even she was mesmerised the 8 Riches.
The eight men walk down the drive towards the news crew, Ash walking in the front. "Hey Maddison. Who's who?" Crystal asks.
"To our left of Ash is Kyle. Next to Kyle is Alex then Steve. Behind those three is Dylan on the right with Brett next to him then on the left at the back is Liam then between Liam and Brett is Antonio." Maddison says Antonio with a sigh and a flash of dreamieness crossed her face.
"I'm guessing Antonio is your personal favourite." Coraline teases abd Maddison glares at her. Antonio was taller than the others by a little with dark brown hair that was short at the sides and long at the top with a thin beard and moustace.
"Meh. He ain't bad looking." Crystal says with a shrug and her two friends look at her in shock.
"What? I do notice good looking people you know. All of 'em have good looks but I don't swoon and beg under 'em." Crystal says innocently.
"Ah Mr. Fleming. I'm J-"
"Jessica Holmeswood. We know. Now back up will you. We need to speak to the cameras." Ash snaps, cutting the reporter off sharply.
"We know your watching Crystal." Liam says and Crystal gulps.
"We would love it if you'd turn your phone off aeroplane mode and ring Ash. We have things to discuss. If you don't then... Well you'll find out when the time comes." Kyle smirks. Ash narrowed his eyes at Kyle who ducks his head.
"Please Crystal. We just want to help you. Please." Ash pleads before they all turn and walk back to the manor.
"Oh... My... God." The girls say in unison. Crystal groans and plops back onto her bed.
"There we have it. Miss Crystal King has been given a message from the 8 Riches. I wonder how she'll respond. Goodbye for now." Jessica sats and Coraline turns the TV off quickly.
"Well? Ring him. They might have found something or they might know something." She says.
"Fine. Give me my phone." Crystal sighs. Maddison chucks it to her and she switches it off aeroplane mode. Notifications and messages galore come through at once but she quickly delets them.
She rings Ash and puts it on speaker. After two rings he answers. "You rang?" He asks in surpruse with a cheeky edge to his voice and Crystal snorts.
"Yes I did. Now why did you rich idiots want me to ring you?" She snaps.
"Damn she's fiesty." Says a voice in the background.
"Shut up Steve." Ash snaps.
"Well I thought that it was kinda odd how your friends acted when they saw the news saying that Damien had escaped. I told the guys and we found something." Ash continues. The girls look at each other curiously.
"Well actually we found nothing. There are no files anywhere saying anything about Damien or his arrest." Says someone else.
"Well that is because I deleted them and any trace suggesting they existed." Maddison spoke up.
"And why would you do that mystery woman?" The voice asks slowly.
"So nobody could snoop around and find something Crystal doesn't want found Antonio." Maddison snaps.
"May I ask how you did that? The computers are high technology. It is near impossible to wipe something from it's memory completely." Antonio asks and Maddison gulps silently at the sound of his voice.
"Same way I hacked into all of the 8 Riched main computer systems to find you've been stalking my friend Crystal." She says calmly and the other end of the line goes dead silent before Ash speaks.
"We all need to talk in person." He says.
"Fine. Come find us darling. We'll be waiting." Crystal says sweetly before hanging up.
"Oh god. The 8 Riches are coming here. Oh god." Coraline grumbles.
"What are you worried about? I'm the one who hacked into each of their main computer systems." Maddison says as she took deep breaths to try calm herself down.
"It'll all be okay. Let's just wait till they get here." Crystal says as her hands shook. Her friends nodded and the wait began.

10 minutes later the sound of many footsteps began to get closer. The three girls stiffen as the doorknob turns. The door opens and their jaws dropped in amazement. They never imagined it would ever actually happen but now it was.
Standing in the doorway were the 8 Riches.

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