Before Part 1

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The Wedding
Crystal King
"You look wonderful Crystal." My mother says happily as she looks me over in my wedding dress. I must say I did look rather beautiful.
The dress was your normal pearly white. The skirt flowed out from my waist in soft waves. The bodice was my favourite part. It was strapless and clung to me, emphasizing my delicate curves. A pattern of roses made by glittering, clear crystals wrapped around it and sparkled in the light. The veil was connected to a flower patterned silver tiara which was in-studded with diamonds.
"Thanks mum. I love the dress. It's beautiful." I smile happily as I run my hands over the smooth fabric.
My mum applies a shimmering eye shadow and pink lip gloss before dusting my cheeks with a powder that made my skin shine. "Jacob is a luck man, but if he hurts you he's sooo dead." A sweet yet serious females voice says from behind me.
I turn to see my 19 year old younger sister Silver in her maid of honor dress. It was silver due to her name and it looked stunning on her. It had a single, elbow length sleeve and fell to her knees. Around her waist was a gold belt with a diamond flower buckle. "You look amazing Silver." I say with a slight chuckle.
"Thanks Crystal. That eye shadow really makes your green eyes pop and as always white suits you great. Your black hair just looks so beautiful. I'm totally jealous of you right now." Silver huffs playfully and I chuckle.
"I'm jealous of you Silver. I wish I had doe brown eyes and blonde hair." Was my reply and mother snorted.
"Both of you are just as beautiful my lovely daughters so stop bickering. The bridesmaids and flower girl will be here soon." She laughed. The sound was soft and calming.
"Yes mum." Silver and I say in unison.
There's a knock on the door and my cousin and two best friends walk in. They squeal at the sight of me and we all laugh. What I never realized until to late was the door was open a second to long and my future husband Jacob Win walks past and glanced inside to see me in my wedding dress for a millisecond before he's gone. I shake away a glimmer of fear that rose in my stomach. It is said that bad luck comes when the groom sees the bride in her wedding dress before the wedding. Yet nothing has proven it so I put on a smile. There was nothing for me to worry about.
My best friends Caroline and Maddison wore knee length dresses of a light shade of violet with dark purple belts. Maddison's was strapless and she had her brown hair pulled over her left shoulder as she smiled happily, her hazel eyes twinkling. Caroline's had a strap that wrapped around her neck. Her long red hair pulled into a beautiful, decorative bun. Her blue eyes twinkled happily.
They have been my friends since I was 14. We were all 24 and Caroline is engaged to a wealthy man by the name of Jason Daniels. He's a dealer at the world known car dealership owned by the billionaire Fleming family. He also happens to be my husband to be's best man.
When I looked at my cousin tears form in my eyes. Her name is Sarah Hasting and she's 10 years old. She has blonde hair and green eyes full of happiness and fun. She wore a bright pink dress with a silver petticoat over top. She looked adorable. In her hand was a basket of white rose petals.
"It's time my darling." My dad calls through the door.
He's the owner of a car business called Royal Rides. His name is Sky King. He taught me how to drive on the toad and on the track. I'm better than most yet he doesn't let me compete or anything. With a deep breath I take my bouquet of white roses and step out the door to meet him. He wore a smart black suit with a white rose in his breast pocket. White roses have always been my favoutite flowers. They're just extra beautiful in my eyes than the other colours.
"Are you ready Crystal?" He asks with a smile. He shares my black hair yet he has the same doe brown eyes as Silver. I get my green eyes from my mother.
"Yes dad. I'm ready." I say as I return his smile.
My mother, sister, cousin and best friends leave before me. We walk through the church and wait outside the doors. The music starts and they walk in. A minute later I take my fathers arm and walk through the doors.
The wedding was to be small. I glanced at the smiling faces of my family and closest friends and at Jacobs before finally looking at him. My breath caught in my throat. Jacob looked amazing.
He wore a white suit instead of the usual black with a red rose in his breast pocket. His sandy blonde hair was neat and his sea blue eyes sparkle with love. His smile warms my heart and I hold in the urge to run to him. We met on my fist day at Harvard. I crashed into him and spilled coffee all over him. After that we became friends then the relationship grew. Now we shall be husband and wife.
Just as I'm meters away there's the bang of a gun shot and the crash of glass shattering as the bullet flew through the window.
Screams fill the air but mine is the loudest as I watch the bullet find it's mark in Jacobs chest. I wrench out of my fathers grip and I drop the bouquet as I run to his side. "Jacob. Jacob can you hear me?" I cry desperately. Blood flows from his chest.
"I love you Crystal. I love you." He croaks before the life drains out of his eyes and his breathing and heart beat stops.
"No Jacob. Don't leave me. Please. I love you." I sob as I flop down onto him, tears pouring down my cheeks. I don't care that his blood stains my dress. It has no use now. My one and only love was killed.

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