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Crystal King
"Rose darling. Good evening. I'm glad you called. How are you?" I say sweetly into my phone as I walked quickly down to the lower floor of Royal Rides where the cheaper cars wiyh a star rating 3.5 to 4 were. My employes were bustlimg around with potential clients and customers.
"I'm very well. I was just ringing back to see if I could get a deal on that sports convertable." The woman says back in a sweet tone that was quiet genuin. Unlike mine yet nobody noticed when I talked over the phone. My tone was sweet and cheerful while my face was straight and emotionless.
"What a wonderful choice. It's a 5 star rating that I decided on. All the cars here I drive and give them a rating. You'll find no car under a rating if 3.5. But anyways back to this car darling. The price is 3.10 mill but I'm willing to go down to 3 just for you darling." I say sweetly as I sign a contract that one of my workers holds out to me.
"It's good to know you rate your cars personaly. I've heard all about you choosing the Mystery Drivers car. It is unbeatable do your ratings must be on point. I think 3 is a perfect number. Thank you for such a great offer." Rose replies and I can tell she's smiling.
"A new shipment of the car you wishing to buy arrived just this morning. They seem to be in such high demand at the moment. There a six colours. They are ocean green, crimson red, sapphire blue, night black, gold and silver. Honestly I think the sapphire blue would suit you wonderfuly. It matches your eyes and it's the rarest colour you can get them in. What do you think?" I ask as I swiftly walk behind the front desk and pull out my keys from the safe.
"Oh I do love sapphires... I'll take a sapphire blue one. When can I pick it up?" Rose asks happily.
"Any time tomorrow between 9am and 12pm. That's the only slot of time I'll have free for I have meetings to go to tomorrow. I'll make sure to have it waiting for you." I say as I walk out back and open the car vault with the key and 19 digit passcode. The metal doors sweep open and as soon as I walk inside the doors close and the lights turn on to reveil 4 storys filled with cars in order of what star rating they are. 3.5 being the bottom, 5 being the top.
"Thank you. I'll be there around 10. See you then." She says.
"Good bye darling." I hang up and put my phone in the back pocket on my black jeans.
My heels echo softly over the polished floor as I walk over to the elevator and step inside. "4." I say in a bored tone and the elevator rises. It stops with a slight ding and I get out.
This floor holds the more expensive and rare cars. They shine in the light, not a speck of dust to be seen. I walk over to a sapphire blue sports convertable and get in. It smelt faintly of lavender and was calming. I pushed the start button and the engine purred softly. Skillfully I drive it between the many cars and stop it on the car lift. I press a button on my key ring and the lift takes us down. I drive it through a door into the waiting room where another two cars were and turned it off.
A smile twitched at my lips. Dad would be proud. I say to myself as I walkaway from the car. The doors snap shut behind me as I walk. When I looked at my watch I sigh greatfully. It was 4:50. My break time. After straightening my tight black top and shaking out my black hair I grab my wallet and walk to the elevator and take it to the roof where my car is parked. Someone slips into the elevator before it closed and I smile ever so slightly when I see it's my secretary Paula. She had bouncy brown hair and bright blue eyes. She was the energy that charged us up whenever it's a bad day.
"I just got of the phone with someone." She said slowly and I groan.
"Can't the Flemings get it into their little minds that I'm not going to sell them part of this business." I snap unhappily.
"Paul said he wanted to speak to you in person tomorrow." Paula said and I huff.
"Fine. Tell him I'll meet him at his dealership at 2pm tomorrow. Right now I really need a Starbucks." I sigh and Paula nods seriously.
The elevator stops then the doors open and I walk out. Paula waves before the door closes and she heads back down. The roof is coated in a light golden brown gravel and a glass roof extended over it. The sky was blue with the hint of clouds here and there. It was a nice day. I walk over to my car and unlock it. The door lifts open and I slip into the drivers seat. As soon as I did the doors close and the car burst to life. It was black like all my cars with a pair of red stripes running down the length of the sides.
"Hello Crystal. What is your destinaton?" Says a slightly robotic females voice.
"Starbucks. Put Caroline and Maddison on the line." I reply clearly as I slip on mt sunglasses and glide down the twisting ramp that lead to the ground. The sound of a phone dialing fills the car as I wait for a gap in the traffic and driving out onto the main road.
"Hey Crystal." Say two girls voices.
"Hey girls. I'm heading to Starbucks for a bit if your free." I say.
"Sure. I'm free. Be there in 5." Maddison says and she hangs up.
"Sorry. I have a photo shoot today. It's going up on the billboards." Caroline says glumly and I chuckle.
"Don't worry about it. Tell me how it goes. Bye."
"Bye." Caroline hangs up and I sigh.
"Activate auto drive." My voice sounds dull and clear.
I let go of the stearing wheel and my car takes over. My seat spins around and I pick up my clutch. The car stops and my seat spins back around. The road was blocked by an ambulance and a police car. "Pull over. I'll walk the rest of the way." My car obeys and pulls into a free park on the side of the road before turning off and the doors flip open.
As soon as I get out I feel all eyes on me as the door closes. I ignore them as I strutt down the footpath with my head high. Starbucks was just down the street and around the corner. "Why hello King." Says a voice and I hold in a groan as I keep walking.
"Seems like someones in a mood." They chuckle as they speed up and fall into step with me. I glance sideways to see none other than the player Ash Fleming. He had chestnut brown hair where s few strands fell just over his sparkling blue eyes that girls swoon under. Except for me. I just grunt unhappily and ignore his gaze as he looks me over.
"Come on Crystal. We both know you love me." He says cheekily as I turn around the corner. Maddison was waiting by the door of Starbucks. My whole body froze for a second before I spun around and grabbed his collar. His eyes widen in shock as I bring him down so I could stare him right in the eye.
"I would never and will never love you Fleming. Why don't you go off and pick a girl up of the street or out of a club or something? There's plenty of girls who'd love to be eith yoj even if it's for your usual one nighter. However I'm not one if those girls do bugger off. It's bad enough to have your dad trying to get me to sell him some of the business. So go away and while your at it tell your father he's dreaming if he thinks I'm gonna sell any of the business to him." I hiss before letting go of his collar and walking off with my head held high.
"Not gonna happen. I never take a no for an answer darling." He calls after me.
"Well your gonna need to learn bucko." I spit back and I hear him chuckle behind me.
"He's checking you out you know." Maddison says with a sigh when I reach her.
"Let him look all he wants cause he ain't getting any of this." I say grudgily as I gesture to myself.
"He's gonna keep trying you know. He's a determind twit who gets what he wants." Maddison sats as we walk into Starbucks.
"Pff. Well I ain't budging. I'd sooner kill him that go on a date or further with him." I hiss as we wait in line.
When we get to the counter the woman serving me's eyes widen slightly. "My usual please." I say boredly.
The woman nods and claps her hands. "Code 24." She calls.
The workers behind the counter bustle around quickly as I hand over my money. A second later the woman hands me a warm cup of mint coffee and my change which I put back in my clutch.
Maddison orders and gets a moccachino with a chocolate swirl on top. We walk over to a free table and sit down. "I kinda feel sorry for you. Ash is gonna be bugging you for a while." My friend says with a sigh and I roll my eyes.
"You know me Maddison. I know how to get what I want and I want him to leave me alone." I say with a challenging smile.

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