If You Want To Know A Spoiler!

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Tagged by: loading_not_today

-Mention who tagged you

-Do the tag in less than 3 days

-Say 10 things about you

-Tag 28 people

-Put title on tag

-Tell a joke

-Write a spoiler for your book

-Put these rules in your tag


1- I have REALLY long hair! Like KNEE length hair!

2- Me and Park Hyung-sik has the same birthday!

3- If you want to be fake to me I'll be fake to you!

4- If you buy me chicken nuggets I'll love you forever!

5- Stressing and overwhelming myself is what I do best!

6- I'm really emotional! T_T

7- Trying to get through one day at a time without my dad by my side

8- I love to write tragic endings! I know I sound emo but I just love but also hate endings like that!(*cough* a little hint *cough*)

9- A potato that doesn't have a life and spends most of her time listening to Kpop and writing her fantasies!

10- I'm just sociably awkward! I still love to talk to my readers though!❤️

Tell a Joke

"Congratulations you've just won "Onew" car!"

"Wow! It's so SHINee!"



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Masked Killer Spoiler!!

The murderer is closer than you think.....

Unheard Voices 2?

Not 28 tags but oh well...


Masked Killer||Felix-StrayKidsWhere stories live. Discover now