Chapter 1

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"This has been Board AF! Subscribe if you haven't already, and hit the like button below! See you guys tomorrow," Joven exclaimed enthusiastically at the end of another successful video. Tim, Tanner, and Josh shut off the cameras with a smile as Courtney had a realization. It was only her memories that were carried over from the other world. The world of wonder and anguish. From a young age up until now, she carried the heavy burden of seeing the future. Her parents said that she had a fantastic imagination, and she believed them. Any time she would dream, she would see that world. She would see the beautiful landscapes and suffering cities. She's always called it just that; a wonderful dream and a nightmare, rolled in one. She could never dream of anything else, but it never bothered her. She would await the time she could go back to sleep to marvel once more at her own creation. She was happy, until the nightmare grew larger than the beauty. She started to scream in her sleep, watching people be tortured. Courtney would wake up with her hairline and her hands damp with sweat. Constantly, she would shake it off, for it being just in her head, right?

"I created this world, it's all just in my head," she told herself every time she woke up, but unfortunately for her, it was never in her mind. That world took its technology, and transplanted it into her subconsciousness, surpassing time and space so that Courtney would know her future when she was five. It was her future whether she liked it or not, and among all of her other co-workers, she was the only one who knew about it.

"I need to go," Courtney said and got out of her chair, heading for the door.

"Courtney, what's wrong? Courtney," Boze shouted as she left the room. She looked at Joven, then to Damien, her coworkers.

"What's up with her," Boze asked the two of them, brushing some hair out of her face.

"She probably just remembered something she had to do. No big deal," Joven said, packing up the board game they all played.

"You sure? She didn't say much, but she seemed pretty adamant about leaving," Damien mentioned, looking back and forth between Joven and the door. He jittered around in his seat, helping to pack up the game while feeling worried for Courtney's safety. As a well-rounded man, Damien held good morals, and always wanted to help his friends. He swept his dark brown hair away from his face and twiddled with his glasses. Joven looked up at the door and he hesitated for a moment. He put the pieces of the board game he was holding back down on the table and sighed. He briefly looked down at the table and then locked eyes with Damien, sharing an almost telekinetic conversation.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking," Joven questioned him. Damien sighed, "Probably." The two of them went to look at where Boze was sitting to find her gone.

"Courtney," Boze shouted from outside the room. Both Joven and Damien then furiously got out of their seats to join Boze, leaving Josh to clean up the game.

"Really," Josh said, as the almost doppelgangers left the room, cramming through the door with some of the crew. Finally, they caught up with Boze, breathing out heavily.

"Great minds think alike," Damien mentioned, but Joven and Boze had paid no attention to him. Damien gathered himself and pushed down his subtle embarrassment, spotting his best friend, Shayne.

"Shayne," he spastically yelled, and ran over to him.

"Hey dude, what's up," Shayne asked, smiling. He put his phone back in his pocket as Damien started to talk.

"Have you seen Courtney anywhere? When we stopped filming Board AF, she just left."

"That's weird, and no, I haven't. Sorry man. Do you need help finding her?"

"Do you mind? It was like she was possessed or something," Damien added, noting Courtney's strange behavior.

"That's like, really weird, and no, I don't mind helping. She's our friend, and I care about her."

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