Chapter 1

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Theo ^^

Hello! Welcome to one of my stories. This book is bxb so if you're not into that you don't have to read any further.

If you'd like to get to know the characters a little better, you can read my "Characters" book, which is basically just my little notes on the life and background of each character. It helps explain some things they say or their behaviour. WARNING that the "Characters" book may contain spoilers or major plot points of the books.


Theodore's POV

Ah, another year back to hell. I think to myself as I drag my stuff towards the university dorms.

It's my first year living at the dorms, as I spent my first and second year commuting.

Third year, and I get that tiny bit more freedom from my parents.

They're not bad or anything, they're actually great parents. I've been raised to be a good person (I hope) by them, and they're funding my university tuition, so it would be better not to insult them.

"I call the biggest room!" Ethan, my best friend, yells as he charges into the dorm. He has a huge smile on his face, and if I didn't know that he was just generally a happy person, I would've thought he actually enjoyed university.

My other friend, Liam, trails in after us. Us three had met during high school, and ended up going to the same university. During the summer of second year, we all thought we could share a dorm for third year.

"Hey! No fair." I protest, speeding up to inspect the rooms in the dorm. However, it seems as though Ethan has already claimed a room, looking smug.

"You snooze you lose, loser." He chimes gleefully, making me grumble.

This year will be busier for me, since I started a job at the bakery inside the university campus during the summer. I'm going to be continuing working there during school, but part time instead of full time to manage my classes.

My phone buzzes and I receive a text from another one of my really good friends, Brianna. She's also attending the same university as us, but has decided to continue commuting from her home. The text reads Have you gotten to the dorms yet? Accompanied with a photo of her and her boyfriend sitting on the couch. I've met her boyfriend, Sean, a few times. Seems like a cool dude. He's one year older than her, making him in his fourth year of university.

They met at the university actually. It was a cute story. Sean was in a dispute with his friends when he knocked Brianna and all of her stuff over. He instantly apologized. They saw each other again through mutual friends/acquaintances. They gradually built up a friendship that turned into something more. They started going out last year.

I'm actually quite jealous that Brianna was the first one to get into a stable relationship out of our friend group. Some people could argue that and say that I already have a girlfriend, which is.... true, but she's not my real girlfriend.

Stephanie was a girl I was friends with back in high school. We met through a group project. We aren't as close as Brianna and I, or even Liam and I, but she's really nice and a good friend.

Since I'm gay, I've never had any romantic crushes on girls. However, my family has been very insistent on asking if I had a girlfriend every chance they got, so I just cracked one day and blurted out that I did. They were so happy and even took me out to celebrate, and I felt guilty. I asked Stephanie to help act as my fake girlfriend, since my family already knows Brianna and we're literally so close that my whole family acknowledges that I will never date her (She's basically my sister).

So Stephanie and I have been "going out" for almost 4 years now, and I think my family is expecting me to ask for her hand in marriage soon. Gross.

Ethan's been in various relationships with both boys and girls. He's bi and already out to his family. Ugh, what a luxury. Although, his relationships don't usually last long, and he usually ends up getting hurt after, whether it's emotionally or physically.

Liam has never dated anyone. I thought he might've just not been interested in romantic relationships (since he's also never disclosed anything about a crush to us), but apparently he's gay and out since the age of 17. It's good for him really, since he's been dealing with a lot of loneliness after his parents divorced, and then his step-father didn't really acknowledge him much.

After unpacking all my things, I lie on the bed and daydream. I wonder if the professors will be good this year. I hope so.

Checking the time, I decide to get ready to head to my job at the bakery. I get ready, and yell out a farewell to Liam and Ethan before leaving the dorm.

The walk to the bakery is actually pretty nice. It's fall, so the weather is great (provided you have some sort of coat on), and the fall colours are always pretty to look at.

Entering the bakery with a small jingle, I greet my co-workers and change into work clothes before stepping up to the front counter and await customers.


Work went by relatively quickly. Customers came and went, many of them tired and sluggish, some on cute dates with their partners, and others rushing in to grab a quick bite before going to work or classes.

I walk back to the dorm, mentally reviewed the classes I was going to have before entering.

"Hey! How was the job?" Ethan asks, eating some pizza on the couch.

"Uh... good. You're eating pizza? It's... ah it's dinner time." I reply, flopping down on the couch next to my best friend.

"Want some?" He asks around a mouthful, shoving a slice of pizza at my face. I hesitantly take the slice.

"Where's Li?" I ask curiously.

"His room. Unpacking." Ethan responds, leaning over to grab another slice. Damn he eats fast.

"Well, whatever. I should unpack too. Haven't done that yet." I sigh, standing up and heading to my room.


Why does unpacking take so long.

It's 9 pm.

It's been Three. Whole. Hours.

I have put away some books, some stationary maybe... totally didn't procrastinate....

I have so many clothes to put away.

This is going to take a while...

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