32 | d a l l o n

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Not having Brendon around in the hospital is really bumming me out. I've grown used to being able to see him about a dumb or cool patient in a room close to his and hearing him say that he wants to meet said person. Then he brings up Ryan and asks why it's not cool for him to ask that.

I miss it.

I'm working a late shift, so I can't see him after anyway. But I miss him. And Hayley. But I guess I have to resort to hanging out with Ryan and Awsten. They're fun, but Hayley and Brendon were better.

I head to the front desk in my wing and spot Breezy. I haven't talked to her since she asked me out, but I miss her too. She's nice. I miss that.

I'm missing everything today. Someone needs to punch me in the face.

"Hey!" I tap the counter beside her.

She looks at me wearily and straightens her back. "Hey." She smiles quickly and goes back to writing in her paper.

"Whats that?"

"Filling out a chart for a patient." She says sourly.

I'm getting the hint that she doesn't want to talk so I stay quiet for a moment and smile to Awsten when he arrives. He sits in the chair at the desk and begins typing something on the computer. He keeps shooting glances until Breezy speaks up.

"I didn't know you were gay. I also didn't know you had a boyfriend when I asked." She turned to me with the pen pointing at my chest. "I'm sorry."

She doesn't look sorry. She looks mad, like I should have told her about my sexuality as if it was any of her business.

"It's fine." I mumble as I feel my phone buzz. She kind of peaks over to look but I don't move. It's a picture of Brendon with a couple of cats which I smile at. Breezy does too before she goes back to filling out papers. "Brendon invited us to Hayley's after our shifts, wanna go?" I look to Awsten. He shakes his head no and moves on. He's very quiet. It's scary.

"Going to Dr. Williams house for her daughter?Nah." He smiles quickly and stood up. "Besides I was planning on pulling a few more hours."

"But there's kittens."

He stopped in his track and stared me dead in the eyes. "You're kidding."

"Nope. Real, live kittens."

"Oh, I'm so in."

We get to Hayley's and feel very uncomfortable. This is our colleagues house. The person that bosses us around all day. The person we work with. Her house. And we're hanging out with her daughter. Tell me that's not weird.

There are 3 kittens. It's the cats first litter so it's small. They're all so cute and tiny. I think I'm in love with each and every one of them.

Awsten and I sit on the floor next to Hayley and Brendon. We're all watching the small babies play with each other until Hayley picks one up and they all follow. They're so small, like the size of Brendon's hand.

"We don't know what we're gonna do with them yet. My mom says sell two, but I don't want to sell any of them!"

"I'll take one!" Brendon shouts, picking up the fluffy one and holding her close. "I'll definitely take this one."

"Please do. I'll be able to visit her whenever." She smiles so widely at Brendon with the fur ball.

The one not getting any attention crawls his way over to Awstens feet and starts to crawl on top. Awsten only looks at me with the most pained expression ever and leans down to pick the baby up. They all look so adorable.

Brendon pats the space next to him and I happily move closer. He smells like cats and is full of cat hair.

"I love her. She's so precious." She meows in his hand causing Brendon to look like he would immediately burst into tears. I bet he's going to the pet store to get all the essentials as soon as he can. "Can I really keep her?"

"Of course!" Hayley squishes the one she has close to her cheek and mumbles sweet things. "Dallon, you want one?"

"I wish I could, but I can't." I smile sadly. "No pets allowed in my apartment."

"I'll take one..." Awsten whispers. He's always so quiet that one. "This one looks like he could be a rockstar."

Hayley squeals from her spot on the floor, holding up the cat and loving it endlessly. Brendon does the same and smiles at me so brightly I come to the conclusion that he's way cuter than the kittens.

Hayley stands up abruptly, handing me the cat and running off.

I'm not one for pets. I've never had one, never had interest in one. I don't know the first thing about holding one, let alone having one. I couldn't raise a cat. Not even one as cute as this tiny baby in my hand. No way. I couldn't.

Brendon having one is enough for me.


Ok ok so baby kitten chapter I can tell u truthfully that I don't know when the chapters will start to become better but it's whatever

Dallon describing b: "he's a star in a mans body"

Brendon describing d: "this boy never been to a beach"


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