14 | d a l l o n

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"So my teacher gave out this assignment and it was dreadful!"

"Was it long?"

"No, not that part. All my friends were mad because I didn't get one." Brendon breathed out. We went to the cafe once again and now he's ranting about his chemistry class. "Can he make it anymore obvious?"

I don't know why he's complaining about that, really. I would've killed for that in my high school years. "So why don't you ask for the sheet to be like everyone else?" I smirk and sip my coffee.

"Hah-hah." He grins and mimics my actions before talking again. "I tried. He told me I 'wasn't ready' but if they expect me to pass then I have to be ready."

"You're not going to pass?" I ask because if he isn't going to pass then I don't know what it would be like hangout out with someone trying to finish up their last year of high school for the second time.

"I am." He states confidently. "Everyone thinks I missed so much school, but I'm a fast learner. And I want this. It's not like I'm okay with not passing. So I'm gonna pass with better grades than everyone else."

He sits up high and then starts to laugh.

It's the third time we've hung out this week. And last week we hung out 5 times. And the week before I must've lost count because I don't remember, but it was a lot.

"What about you? How's work? That patient still giving you trouble?"

"Nah, he's just being his usual Ryan self."

"Oh, cool. I dated a Ryan once. He was horrible."

"This one too."

We both sat back and watched the people around us. I admit, it's kind of fun. I try to give each person a personality.

For example, there's a lady in here with her hair tied back tightly, and she's wearing a blazer and a skirt. She's dressed for business.

So of course me and Brendon give her unreasonable kinks.

And I don't even want to say what conversation we were having.

"We're horrible people." He mumbles as she walks by.

We sit by the door, same spot I knocked over Brendon's cup. We see everyone who enters, and everyone who doesn't. Because there's a window outside and we watch every person walk by.

He frowns at his empty cup and stands to get another. I wait for him to get back and thank him for the fresh cup. It's our thing. We take turns. I bought the last round, so he gets this one. And it works.


Chapters will get longer I'm sorry ugh

I started flossing the other day and have been every night. What does flossing do?


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