37 | b r e n d o n

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Dallon has never lived. Like ever. He hasn't been to the beach in like a decade and only recently started to go out. He's married to his work and I'm like the dirty mistress.

I've heard from a couple of his coworkers that they have never seen Dallon voluntarily take a day off. Ever. That's worrying.

Even Ryan has my back about this. He thinks it's a good idea too. He told me so when Dallon just had to go back to the hospital to check on a couple of patients.

So, I'm taking him to the beach. To anywhere. Just something that'll make him feel like work isn't the only thing he can do.

I mean, I asked him what his favourite movie was and he said, "I don't watch many movies." Then I asked who his favourite artist is and he said, "I don't really listen to anybody." Who doesn't have a favourite? I think I'm dating a robot.

"Why on earth do we have to go to the beach today? Bren, I don't even have a swimsuit."

"Because it's Sunday and you're not seeing your wife today. It's my day. We just have to make a quick stop at target."

"My wife?" Dallon questions, stepping to the drivers side of the vehicle while I throw our towels on the backseat. Dallon's car is so stupidly clean I'm scared that the sunscreen will break open and ruin his interior.

"Never mind." I close the door and make my way to the passenger seat. The car turns on and in no time we're on our way to target. "I invited Awsten too. He says he's bringing his friend."

"Awsten has other friends?"

"Apparently. Be nice to them, will ya?"

He nods his head vigorously then laughs at how ridiculous he must look. It's the little things with him I guess.

He finds swim trunks and buys a beach umbrella for his attempt at staying away from sunburn. He makes me hold the umbrella to the car because his hands are full and he wants to hold mine. I swear there are better ways of getting to hold my hand and this is just extra.

The beach is a short drive. And it isn't really much of a beach. It's more of a small nook of sand beside some water. But there are food trucks every now and then. I bet it wouldn't be a long walk to see them all.

I used to come here every day in the summer. When I was younger it was with my parents and as I grew up my friends and I would spend the hottest days here. Now I get to be here with Dallon and his friend. Some things change.

Dallon immediately sets up camp, sliding his towel down on the sand and then another right beside it. He spent a while with the umbrella before he decided it best to just have it on the ground. He reminds me of that picture that says 'you tried' and there are just squiggles where a star should be. It describes Dallon when he isn't at work.

"There are children in the water." He says suddenly, plopping down on his towel and rubbing an absurd amount of sunscreen on his arms. "They're going to pee in there."

"They won't." I assure him as quickly as I can. If I give him any reason to believe they would, he will not be seen in there at all.

He uses whatever sunscreen is left from his arms— which is too much— and spreads it on his face. He's going to look like a vampire if he doesn't stop. "When is Awsten going to be here?"

As if on cue, Awsten sets his towel down outside of the fortress I call the umbrella. He peaks his head in with a smile before dropping everything else he had in his hands. A bag full of the essentials, like extra clothes and even more sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses (cheap, or else he would be wearing them) and a bag of snacks which he puts under Dallon's umbrella.

Saturn- Brallonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें