23 | b r e n d o n

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The greenhouse trip wasn't like the last time. The difference being we're the only ones up here and I didn't cry. Also, there were kisses being stolen from time to time.

He brought me up in a wheelchair again because I'm still quite tired. It's hard having bad lungs. You can't do normal, mundane things.

The thing is the last time I was here I was sad and felt alone, having known my doctor very little and my mom felt like a new person. Now it's much different. Not only do I know my doctor better, I also know some of the nurses and Hayley is here and everything just seems so much better.

When we got back to the room the atmosphere changed so quick as my mom stood up almost immediately. Dr. Williams was in there too and so were Hayley and Awsten.

"Hey..." Dallon dragged on while we stepped in. He's just as confused as me. "What's up?" He asks cooly and parks me beside the bed.

Dr. Williams looked to my mom and stepped forward, but my mom spoke. "Brendon, we have some news."

"What is it?" I move to the edge of the wheel chair before Dallon could help me stand up. I stare at my mom who avoided eye contact.

Hayley sits in her chair with her fingers on her head looking angry. She's always so mad. My mom stood with her arms crossed and an upset look glued on her face. And Dr. Williams kept a straight face. Awsten too.

Dallon is just as confused as I am. He helps me to my feet and holds me while I take one step.

"You're not going to graduate." She whispered loud enough for me to hear.

As if on cue, I trip over my feet and stumble to the bed. "What?"

She sighs, letting her arms fall to her sides. "Your school called. I explained your state and they told me... well they told me that they don't think you'll graduate."

Wait, what? I can't graduate? I'm not going to? What?


"You've missed so much, B."

I shake my head. This can't be happening. It's not real. "I don't understand-"

"There's nothing to understand." She breathed out. "But it's fine. You'll just repeat this semester and then you can reapply for your colleges again."

"But the university of California already accepted me. I don't get it?"

She moved closer to the bed and held my hand. "Brendon, they won't accept you if you don't have a high school diploma."

Oh god, my chest hurts. I can't breathe. This can't be happening. I have amazing grades. I was almost valedictorian. I've dedicated my whole life to get into that university. I don't get it. I don't.

Dr. Williams clears her throat and heads for the door, Awsten following behind closely. Hayley only sat there angrily and Dallon leaned on the wall opposite the bed. They both watched me and my mom. Me mostly. I think I'm going to explode with emotions.

"There's nothing I can do?" I choke out. I almost want Dallon and Hayley to leave so they don't watch me have a breakdown.

My mom didn't say anything. She's just holding my hand and smiling sadly at me.

"It's going to be okay." She whispered.

No, it's really not going to be okay. This sucks fucking balls. My whole life I had planned out. My whole career— my whole everything. I've worked too hard to give this up and now suddenly it's gone. Slipping through my fingers like thin sand. And I have to just watch it.


hi I meant to post this earlier but

I thought that I had everything sorted and done and good but now I'm rereading and thinking "what the fuck is this" u guys were so hyped for this ugh I'm sorry


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