4 | d a l l o n

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Dr. Williams specifically asked for me today for the same kid I got from the switch. I made an impact on her once with a kid that had anxiety on top of cancer.

I knock on the door and introduce myself again. His name is Brendon and it's just him. He's using the table to do missed assignments probably. Normally the teenagers here would use this time to relax and sleep. He must really care about-

"Is that school work?" I ask. He looks up for a second before scribbling down more words.


"What is it?" I drag on.



"Pneumonia." He looks at me like I'm the most boring thing ever, pointing his pencil at me to make some sort of a point. "We learned about it last year in bio and I figure if it comes down to it I could write about it in my English diploma for the personal response if need be."

"You like bio?"


And that's that. He's probably got this whole shrine in his room dedicated to the internal organs and all that.

"Okay, more like science in general." He gushes. "It's so intriguing. The unexplored and the unanswered. Like the cure for cancer and the cure for every other thing like AIDs and snake bites."

You see, I don't get that. The unexplored is too open and full of dotted lines. I'm more of a solid line guy myself, it's more calming when things have labels and fit a certain criteria. I like knowing what things are. Truth is, the unexplored scares me.

"It's cool that you have a passion."

He stops talking to read more. I think it's a medical book from here. He's got his phone out too. He's really interested.

"Do you want any ice chips? They're free." I suggest. He only mumbles a quick yeah and continues to write. He has a lot down and I just know he's been asking Dr. Williams all the right questions.

I'm sure to ask him how he's feeling and that's what gets him to stop writing. He drops the pen and pushes around the skin on his face. "Tired. Or should I say 'fatigued'? I'm just excited to go home tomorrow."

He's not wearing a hospital gown. He's got a baggy t shirt on and pyjama pants. "Do you think I can go outside?" He asks eagerly.

"You're allowed to go outside any time you want. I can arrange for a wheel chair if you feel like you can't walk the distance."

He sits there in awe and probably hate. I don't think he knew this information until I brought it up. A few days stuck inside isn't how I would want to spend my time. "Am I able to go on the roof? Apparently there's a greenhouse." He asks.

"Yeah, you can. I'll be back with the wheel chair. In the mean time eat some ice chips."

I pass a couple other nurses doing their own thing as I try to find a wheel chair. To my luck, Breezy has one. She stops in her tracks when she hears my call and smiles a big smile. She's the nicest nurse here. "Hey Dallo, need a chair?"

"As a matter of fact, I do." She hands it over and walks in the opposite direction. It's always hard to find good wheel chairs and somehow Breezy always gets the best ones. It's like she's lucky or something.

I slide it into the room and I walked in on the kid and his mom talking.

"I don't want to do anything." He mumbles in an angry tone. Something is happening.

"It's your 18th birthday! You have to do something." She presses a finger to her temple and watches as Brendon slips into the wheel chair. "Please, just do something?"

"Can we have this conversation later? This kind nurse is taking me to the roof."

Her eyes widen and I'm quick to reassure her that it's nothing like that. "There's a greenhouse! It's safe, and pretty. You can join us."

"No, she has to pass her candy crush level." Brendon motions for me to leave. I noticed that his research stuff was all put away in the short time it took me to find this.

I hook his IV to the pole attached to the chair and grab a blanket for the odd occasion he gets cold. And then we're off.

"Do you like being a nurse?" He asks out of nowhere.

"Yeah, it's fun."


"I found a passion and went for it."

He doesn't say anything. He just shifts around in the chair as we wait in the elevator. Some people walk in that I smile to but they could care less.

They leave as fast as they could and I press the button before anyone can rush in. The sudden pull of the elevator startled me, Brendon not being bothered at all.

I push him out of the elevator. He doesn't talk much. I appreciate it a little but it's also worrisome.

"Holy shit balls this place looks so nice!" He mumbles as I roll him up the ramp. It's past the doors and outside. He winces at the light and I kind of regret bringing him up here. The cool April air hits my face but I don't really care.

"Considering your mom didn't come up, I can't leave you here by yourself." I inform him. He nods and points to a spot beside some nice looking flowers.

I look like a fish out of water. There's all these colourful flowers and I'm wearing grey scrubs.

"I know this is personal, but why nursing? Why not a doctor? Or a paramedic or something else?"

"I think it has something to do with the patient care and all that." I muster out. I hadn't really thought about it. "Why science?"


"Why do you like science?"Dallon

He coughed loudly and then said, "I told you. It's the unknown."


My mouth really hurts today I regret everything the numbing is gone oh no


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