26 | d a l l o n

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His first final is in 3 days. That's 3 days to somehow convince him to study and try his best. But at this rate he won't do anything.

He's with his friends while I'm sitting in the room. He won't let me leave. Not that I'm complaining, I like him a lot. But he hasn't once referenced anything about space or whatever he loves. It's like he's lying and I hate it. Without the riddles and metaphors, it's like he's not sure.

His friends say they're telling me stories about Brendon, but really I think they're trying to remind Brendon about something. They aren't even looking at me. They're looking at each other because Brendon is looking off into the distance. He's not looking at anything.

"One time in science Brendon got kicked out because he refused to accept Mr. Ray's
answer and pulled out his phone to look something up-"

"And then Mr. Ray was telling him to put it away but he wasn't having it and so Ray took his phone and sent him to the office-"

"To top it off, Brendon was right!"

Patrick and Tyler won't stop talking. Maybe it's weird that their friend is dating a 21 year old nurse that is visiting him in his room while wearing scrubs. I smell like hospital.

"I can imagine that perfectly."

Brendon shoots me a look while the two begin talking about some other story. He hates this just as much as I do. But it's Saturday and they're taking the time out of their day to visit Brendon.

He hides under the blankets and the talking falters. Patrick and Tyler exchange sad looks and sit there.

I feel like it would suck if your school friends visited you in the hospital and tell stories all the while you can't even finish high school. Yeah, that sounds like a bummer.

"I'm gonna go get a soda." Tyler stood and dusted off his pants.

Patrick followed. "I'll go with him, he's directionally challenged." Tyler nudged his arm and then they left.

I sigh and peak through the blanket. "You could at least try."

"What's the point?" He pulled the blanket down and turned around. It hurts whenever he says that. At any moment I could ask him a question about us and that will be his response.

"The point is that they're here and you should be nice."

He didn't budge. He didn't move. Just sat there until they came back. He threw the blanket off as soon as he heard their voices.

And he smiles.

"Have we talked about exes yet?" Tyler piped up at the smile and looked directly at me. I have a feeling he's one for causing trouble.

Brendon covers his face and slides down the bed in embarrassment. I would too, but the exes thing seems to be getting his friends riled, so I'll listen.

Patrick leaned forward on his chair and set the soda he bought on the table. "You know, Brendon hasn't been gay his whole life."

"Oh, Sarah. She really was my favourite." Tyler smiles.

"Your first?" I look at Brendon

"Oh no, not even close. His first relationship, yes-"

"That's what I meant." I cut him off before he could explain to me that Brendon had realized he was gay in the middle of that relationship but still kept it going.

"She was so sweet. I would've turned straight for her." Tyler reminisced.

Brendon quickly hides under the covers from embarrassment. Apparently, he's shy about his first and only straight relationship. How adorable. I feel like I'm floating on the words that cause his embarrassment, like they're the only thing I care about in the world.

"Sarah would always sit with us at lunch, never complained, and was the nicest person ever. I miss her."

"Where'd she go?"

"Well we stopped being good friends when Brendon came out. Damn it Brendon, just had to ruin it."

Brendon sighed loudly under the blankets causing the two to laugh at their accomplishment. Brendon told me that the year he came out, it was like a chain reaction because all his friends just so happened to be gay as well. Gay friends really latch on to each other, don't they?

They babbled on about Sarah and how she helped them with their homework and had a lovely singing voice, not to mention that she always had good lunches and shared with them. All good reasons to love Sarah, I guess.

This was all making Brendon so flushed that he reached over to the food and opened the apple sauce he was given. I try not to make too big a scene about Brendon finally eating— but he's finally eating! I cheer quietly in my mind but on the outside the only thing I'm doing is smiling at how well the two odd balls seem to know Brendon.

He eats a spoonful and mumbles something. I can't quite hear with the food in his mouth.

"That's enough about Sarah, let's move on to the gays." Patrick blurts out.

I dart my eyes over to Patrick and then Brendon, raising an eyebrow in curiosity. "There's more than one?"

"Well, no, not really. Just one."

"Ryan was the worst."

It was like a bright light just turned on in my mind. Ryan.


Is this shit or is this shit?


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