He wasn't paying attention where he was going and he ran into something.

"Watch where you are going Ghost Child." An angry voice said.

Well not something but someone.

Danny looked up and saw Ghost Writer floating in front of him. "Sorry. I was busy laughing at my friend." Danny said not looking at Ghost Writer's face. He really didn't want him to be his soulmate but with his luck that would happen. He didn't mind but he knew his parents would freak out if he was.

"And why would that be?" Ghost Writer asked.

"First Ghost Child doesn't work for me anymore. Call me Danny and second well I finally found out who his soulmate is! I mean they are perfect for each other." Danny said laughing a little bit.

"And who might that be? If I call you Danny then you can Call me Andrew." Ghost Writer or now known as Andrew said.

"It's Technus! I mean they are both tech nurds so they work." Danny said as he looked up. First thing that he noticed was how green Andrew's eyes were. They were toxic green. Andrew's black hair looked darker against his gray skin but Danny liked out it looked.

Andrew never noticed how Danny's ghost half looked. Danny's eyes where lighter than his but they stood out along with the snow white hair.

As they were looking at each other they didn't notice that their chests were glowing. Andrew's chest was glowing a midnight blue while Danny's a soft dark purple.

When they noticed Andrew smirked, "Well I guess that means that we are soulmates." Andrew gestured to the glowing.

Danny looked and saw the dark blue glowing coming from Andrew. He looked and saw the purple from himself. "I am going to be so dead." Danny said. He landed by the ally. He went in and changed back. His chest was still glowing the same purple.

Andrew landed next to him. "Why are you dead, mon amour?" He asked.

Danny looked at him. The glowing was slowly fading. "My parents are the Fenton's. Ghost hunters." Danny said.

"I can pass as a human. As you can see I look almost human enough already." Andrew said gesturing to himself.

Danny chuckled at Andrew. "It will probably work for my parents. No ghost stuff." Danny said.

"I won't do that." Andrew said.

"So, what do you want to do now?" Danny asked.

"Well we could go disturb your friend again." Andrew said.

"Sure! I know where they are!" Danny said as he grabbed Andrew's hand and made him follow.

Both of their faces turned a little red when they noticed that they were holding hands.

When they found Tucker and Technus they were still in the ally making out.

"So Tucker. I guess I'm not as much as a cock block as you said." Danny said laughing. Andrew joined in on the laughing.

"Danny!" Tucker whined, "Why are you doing this?"

"Because mon amour thought it would be funny and it is!" Andrew said laughing.

"Yup. Andy here is right. This is funny." Danny said still laughing.

"Ghost Writer? What are you doing here?" Technus asked.

"Well I was coming to find a book but I ran into mon amour." Andrew said as he quite laughing.

"Your love? You mean he is your soulmate?" Technus asked.

"Yup. Now if you'll excuse us. We have to go to my library. Don't wait up." Andrew said as he picked Danny up bridal style.

"Wait, what? Put me down!" Danny said as they were flying off.

To say that Danny went home that night would be a lie. The library didn't let him leave that night.

Hey! A new part! Thank you Ender_glace for this! I am going to be doing another soulmate one. I wanted to try this one. I have a few left I want to try and write. Any ship ideas would be appreciated! All that's all I have for now! Bye!


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