Trying to Sleep

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A/N I know that ghosts don't need sleep but for this one they will. Deal with it. Also the ship for this one is DashxDanny. If don't like this ship then don't read.

"I'm home!" Danny yelled as he walked in the door.

"Alright. I am in the kitchen!" Dash yelled back. 

Danny walked into the kitchen and saw Dash was making dinner. Danny wrapped his arms around Dash's waist and went on his tip toes to be able to set his chin on Dash's shoulder. "What'cha making?" Danny asked.

"Just alfredo." Dash said as he stirred the pot that had the noodles in it. 

"Do you need help? I am doing nothing right now." Danny said as he grabbed a spoon and started to mix the food.

"I guess you can help." Dash said smirking at him.

~~~After Dinner~In the Middle of the Night~~~

Dash was having a peaceful night after a great meal with his boyfriend. They did have a rough start before they got together. 

He started to wake up from his peaceful sleep because he felt someone kicking him. Dash decided to roll over to check on Danny. That was a mistake on his part. Danny decided to kick just as Dash rolled over. He kicked Dash's stomach. Dash slowly moved towards Danny and he didn't get kicked again as he pulled Danny into a hug to try to calm him down from his nightmare.

Danny kept moving around and mumbling in his sleep as Dash took him in his arms. Danny very slowly calmed down. Dash started to rub Danny's back to help him calm down even more. 

As Danny was back sleeping Dash got comfortable again with Danny sleeping on his chest. He have Danny a kiss on the forehead and went back to sleep with him.

Here is another one shot. It would be awesome to get ideas from you guys, my readers. I will do almost anything. I will not do smut. I can not write that to save my life. I will even do an mpreg one shot for the people who like that.


Danny Phantom One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora