What?!? How?!? (Part 3)

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Not my art!!! What I think Clockwork looks like in human form but without the wheel chair.

"I think it is time for Xander to have a trip to the human world." Clockwork said.

"Why? He's only two." Danny said. Danny has barely left the Ghost Zone. He grew out his hair to the middle of his back. He kept it in a pony tail to keep it out of his face.

"Because he needs to make friends that aren't ghosts. Jasmine and your friends want to see him." Clockwork said.

"Fine. I will only go if you come with me." Danny said.

"You know that I do not like leaving the tower." Clockwork said.

"I know that. If you want us to leave you have to go also." Danny said.

"Fine. Let me get ready then we leave." Clockwork said as he went and grabbed the things he needed. He also changed into a human form, "I am going to open a portal by the park where no one is."

"Alright." Danny said as he picked up Xander and the diaper bag.

Clockwork opened the portal and they walked through. When they got there Danny put Xander in a swing. After a while Jazz, Sam, and Tucker showed up.

"He has grown so much!" Jazz said as she saw them.

"I know he has." Danny said he he took Xander out of the swing and handed him to Jazz.

"He is so adorable!" Both girls were cooing over him.

"I am glad that I haven't had a child yet." Tucker said.

"Are you even dating anyone?" Danny asked.

"No he is not." Clockwork said.

"You told me that you were last time we met." Danny said.

"I was but I broke up with her. She was way to clingy. I get how some girls are normal clingy but she was worse." Tucker said.

"How much worse?" Danny asked.

"Like I couldn't leave her sight. I couldn't even go to the bathroom alone!" Tucker complained.

"I told you she was crazy!" Sam said.

"Yeah. Next time I'll listen to you." Tucker said.

Xander reaches towards Danny. "I guess he is coming back to me. He might just be hungry." Danny said as he took him from Jazz.

"It is lunch time. Where are we going to go?" Tucker asked.

"Well Clock and I are going to go eat out somewhere. You guys can do whatever you want." Danny said as he took Clockwork's hand and walked away.

They walked to the Nasty Burger. No one recognized Danny as they went to sit down.

"You know you look like a woman from behind." Clockwork stated.

"How? You know that I am a man." Danny said.

"Your hair and your height. You're not very tall. Also after having Xander you do have a little bit of a figure." Clockwork said.

"Thanks. Just what I needed to hear." Danny said as he put Xander into a high chair.

Their food came and they started eating. While they were eating they heard a voice ask behind them, "What is a pretty lady doing here?"

They both ignored him.

"Hey! I am talking to you. I expect a response." The man said.

"Well first of all, I am not a lady. Second of all, show some respect." Danny said turning around. He was going to keep going but who he saw stopped him.

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