A mad flower and a kind goat

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(There is a song you can listen to if you want)

As soon as I nodded Frisk grabbed my sleeve and ran towards the purple arch way. On the other side of the arch way was a room similar to the one we were just in but without the hole in the roof and this room had a flower with a face on it. Weird I know.

Suddenly Frisk ran up to the flower and as soon as they did it started talking.

"Howdy! My names Flowey, Flowey the flower! Hmmmm you're new to the underground aren'tcha? Golly, you must be so confused. Someone ought to tech you...two," the flower looked confused for a second before going back to his? Her? There? Well whatever they went back to there speech. "How things work around here! I guess little old me will have to do. Ready? Here we go!"

As Flowey finished his speech the fight box popped up and both mine and Frisk soul came out of are chests. I was immediately on guard and the Flower seemed to notice this, his face slightly changing to an emotion I couldn't place. He soon continue with his speech that seemed a bit rehearsed. Has he done this before?

"See that heart? That is your SOUL, the very culmination of your being,"

Ha I remember when I first heard someone tell me that, but that isn't important right now I have to focus right now.

"Your SOUL starts off weak,but can grow strong if you gain a lot of LV. What is LV stand for? Why, LOVE,of course!
You want some LOVE, don't you?"

"Honestly no I don't." I say defensive

The Flower and Frisk both looked at me the flower having a look of anger and confusion well the kid just had a look of confusion. Oopes I most have said that out loud.

"Ummm I mean...yes?" I said not knowing what else to do.

"That's what I thought" Flowey mumbled

"Anyway don't worry, I'll share some with you!"

Some bullets appeared around us.

"Down here, love is shared through...little... white "friendliness pellets." Are you ready? Move around! Get as many as you can!"

I was going to tell the kid not to touch them but before I could they tried to grab one and lost 19 health. Floweys face changed into a more demonic looking version of himself.

"YoU IDioT! In this world,it's kill or be killed. Why would ANYONE pass up an opportunity like this!?

More bullets appeared around us in a circle. I covered Frisk up with my body to try and protect them from getting hurt.


I had to do something before either of us got hurt. I slowly lifted my hand up in a gun like position. I just have to fight against his magic and I ca- before I could finish what I was doing a light purple flame hit Floweys stem and sent him flying. And a goat monster appeared in front of both of us.

I slowly got off of Frisk being cautious around the new female goat monster. I looked over to Frisk and there injures healed and they looked to be full of more energy. At that I turned to the goat women who I had yet to learn there name and smiled.

"What a terrible creature,torturing such a poor, innocent youth. Ah, do not be afraid, my child. I am TORIEL,caretaker of the RUINS. I pass through this place every day to see if anyone has fallen down. You two are the first humans to come here in a long time. Come! I will guide you through that catacombs." She offers her hands to me and Frisk. Frisk gladly grabbed it well I was a bit hesitant to I mean we barely know Toriel!

" I don't bite my child." She said smiling and nudging her hand out more.

Well it won't hurt to take I mean I just met the kid to and I trust them.

"My names Jessica but you can call me J and that is Frisk. it's nice to meet you Miss Toriel." I took her hand

"What a nice name, and it's nice to meet you to my child. Please just call me Toriel."

"Ok Toriel." And with that me and Frisk walked away with the motherly goat named Toriel.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2019 ⏰

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